Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [pron] must [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 We now know that some of what must have been his ‘ hopes and wishes ’ and ‘ dreams of fame ’ have been fulfilled ; his worth as a novelist and his work in Canada have been acknowledged by succeeding generations .
2 At the end Christopher took matters in hand and commanded Francis to instruct his guests that some of them must volunteer to wash up .
3 I mean I know there 's always an argument , especially here in Oxford , that people just come , look round the colleges and they 're gone again , but having said that some of them must spend some money .
4 There were plenty of people in the pub , and some of them must have overheard Dennis 's vicious mockery of our suggested alternatives , a walk on Shotover or Otmoor , for example .
5 At the same time it must be remembered that the occupations of a quarter of the inhabitants were not stated ; some of them must have been farmers , and it is quite conceivable that many of the omissions were the result of uncertainty as to whether or not to class the persons in question as agricultural or industrial .
6 Some of them must have been terrifying .
7 Some of them must have been on there .
8 A wave of sympathy swept over him , some of which must have shown on his face , for Connon now smiled at him ironically .
9 For fourthly he talks about the women in his past , acknowledging that some of it must have been his fault .
10 Her own afforded her nothing but a transient thrill , but mine supplied another dose of semen to chuck at the uterine wall where , sooner or later , she reckoned , some of it must stick .
11 ‘ Now , ’ said Marion , ‘ some of us must go back to that poor girl and put her decently in order .
12 But this in itself must have been a difficult decision for the authorities : to dismiss her was to create a security risk and , as she had proved herself dishonest , to retain her was also a potential threat to Ultra .
13 I am thinking of unfortunate scholars in foreign universities who can not ‘ hold down their jobs ’ unless they repeatedly publish articles each of which must say , or seem to say , something new about some literary work …
14 Each of them must tread on and on , a ceaseless , bone-grinding trudge , if they did not want to be taken up and up by the gyrating treadmill into the clanking , turning cogs in the roof and ground to dust between the pinions .
15 We 're looking for the funny , the beautiful , the weird and the wonderful , family pictures and holiday snaps , but each of them must have that little extra something … .
16 ‘ Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbour , for we are all members of one body ’ ( Eph. 4:25 ) .
17 Peter said to them , each of you must turn away from sin , and be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ , and you shall receive the gift of his Holy Spirit .
18 Each of us must feel the evocation touching our hearts — for this is where God reveals his presence among us .
19 But each of us must keep our information up-to-date so the company as a whole can be up-to-date , too . ’
20 In the 1990s this is the way a modern multinational company such as ours must operate ’ .
21 The expression on her face read my last remark as no more than a condescending gesture of patient sympathy such as she must have met many times before .
22 I understand an and appreciate wh what you 're saying and most grateful to you for that , I think wha what you 're , Neil is saying is is that with we must make sure the time , that this main strategic planning he has to look at , this very important issue , allows sufficient time for mature consideration
23 The letter " 0 " has many lines of symmetry though all of them must pass through the centre of the letter .
24 Harriet Schleifer is a vigorous employer of selected horror stories : ‘ Thousands of animals are assembled in a single location , close to a building that all of them must enter to die .
25 Particularly productive , however , is comparison with Latin literature of the twelfth century and later , all of which must belong to a learned milieu .
26 She records triumph and tenderness , loneliness and that impulsive desire for independence , all of which must help motivate the development of her art that continues despite the demands of motherhood .
27 Since then , the mill ( which is not open to the public ) has been visited by a large number of interested bodies , all of whom must have been greatly impressed with this tale of hard work , expense and perseverence .
28 Salvidge proposed to delete these insulting words but could not even find a seconder ; nine MPs were present , including Younger , Sanders and Neville Chamberlain , all of whom must have approved of the resolution or seen the futility of attempting to amend it .
29 Serious injuries and deaths occur , and all of us must do what we can to prevent them .
30 There is another thing which I know you were thinking about a great deal , which all of us must think about .
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