Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [pron] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Banbury Lane , now in part a main motor road , is the oldest of the roads on the map , though there is little about it today to indicate its great antiquity .
2 Burning brands from the huts and from two galleys the MacIans had fired were seized and thrown into the MacIans ' own ships , to draw some of them away to put out the fires .
3 And you have to get some of them in to make good scores .
4 Questions of this switched on and some of them how to do .
5 Then I pull some of it out to clear a bit of space .
6 It was he who taught some of us how to use a .38 calibre revolver when we went hiking on the rolling prairies for shooting competitions , with gophers or tin cans as our main targets .
7 Thousands of foreigners from all parts of the world were so concerned about events in Spain that they actually went there to fight in the war , many of them never to return .
8 Meanwhile , those of you yet to take out a home-loan but thinking of doing so might be better off going for the repayment version where you pay off a little bit of the loan and interest as you go along .
9 No , do n't turn over , those of you about to say : " But I do n't dream " .
10 And and then I 'd like both of you separately to say which bits you 'd like to go over again and which bits you 'd like us to spend more time doing more and more examples of .
11 Most of us like to feel that we can join in and we can progress if we want to .
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