Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [noun] may [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 It is , however , impossible to separate out processes acting at different scales and over different periods : a single volcanic eruption lasting hours or days sometimes leads to dust and gas being ejected into the atmosphere over a period of months and this in turn may lead to global climatic fluctuations over years or decades .
2 The most important general example is the use of modified historic-cost accounting in Britain and Australia which systematically overstates profits by understating the value of real capital , and this in turn may lead to inadequate retention of operating surpluses and the winding down of the assets of the business .
3 This in turn may tend to downgrade the less easily assessable aspects of the educational process .
4 This in turn may make it difficult for the manager to evoke commitment and enthusiasm .
5 This in turn may influence the singing of a congregation , and make it flabby and dull .
6 On the other hand , transmission mechanisms may work by changing the perceptions of costs and benefits made at the ‘ working level ’ of management , and this in turn may create upward pressures in the organization for strategic management to bring its policies into line .
7 Once Richard had launched his attack on the Woodvilles , moreover , he exposed himself to recriminations should Edward V come to power , and this in turn may have played some part in deciding him to take the throne .
8 This in turn may have been caused by the fact that the gastropod that previously controlled the echinoderm was prized by human tourists .
9 This in turn may have given rise to the high temperature metamorphism and calc-alkaline intrusions of the southern part of the Scottish Highlands and their prolongation in Ireland .
10 Once Richard had launched his attack on the Woodvilles , moreover , he exposed himself to recriminations should Edward V come to power , and this in turn may have played some part in deciding him to take the throne .
11 This in turn may help us to postulate structures beneath the surface , sequences and relations of acts , which may help us to go further towards finding the answer to our original problem : what is it that makes stretches of language coherent and communicative ?
12 Indeed , it is argued that the conspicuous gap between the reading performance of people and that of algorithms may reflect the fact that few text recognition systems utilise the many knowledge sources or recognition strategy of the human reader [ Hull , 1987 ] .
13 The conspicuous gap between the reading performance of people and that of algorithms may reflect the fact that few text recognition systems utilise the many knowledge sources or recognition strategy of the human reader [ Hull , 1987 ] .
14 In a laboratory context , the isolation of the respondent during a T 1 — T 2 period of a few hours should remove this effect ; even changes such as sunlight may need to be eliminated .
15 For the party leaderships , of course , it is important to get representation across the board , so a Democrat Representative from a large State such as California may find that the Agriculture Committee contains sufficient California Democrats already , and he/she may then be allocated to the committee concerned with the work of the Department of the Interior instead .
16 At low levels of contamination , organochlorines such as PCBs may lower an animal 's resistance to infection , and can be the cause of mass deaths .
17 Tournaments such as Wimbledon may boast larger fields , but for some it is too costly , or inconvenient because of extensive queuing , or the possibility of play being scratched due to rain .
18 Mentally disordered offenders who have been admitted to ordinary hospitals from the courts , or from prison , or from the Special Hospitals such as Broadmoor may require such a period of care in conditions of medium security .
19 Even matters such as immobility may have emotional rather than medical origins .
20 The populations of invertebrates , plankton , and fish change , and top predators such as dolphins may find their traditional prey disappearing altogether .
21 Kimberella may be a cubozoan , represented today by the venomous box-jellies , whereas forms such as Ovatoscutum may represent the floats of hydrozoans , as in the present-day Portuguese man-of-war .
22 The contrast may therefore serve to illustrate one major merit of Brooks 's criticism and of the New Criticism in general : their use of ideas such as irony may seem exaggerated and confusing , but it makes the important point that the meaning of poetry , though possibly analyzable , can not be expressed properly in the form of a conventional prosaic statement .
23 The amount of manufacturing employment in a city is important in the sense that those cities with a great many in industry may encounter the greatest loss of jobs .
24 The fibre from fruit and vegetables seems to be particularly beneficial , whereas that from grains may carry fewer benefits .
25 Those with dementia may attend the day hospital for the elderly one day a week and may be supported in the community by one of two specialist psychiatric nurses .
26 People with mental disorder have very special emotional needs and those with schizophrenia may find it virtually impossible to form close , mutually rewarding relationships ; indeed , they often feel more comfortable with an accepting , tolerant but ‘ arm 's length ’ relationship where emotional demands are few .
27 Similarly , a lack of knowledge about the nature of transitions and uncertainty about relevant goals for those with disabilities may inhibit progress .
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