Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [Wh pn] [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 It is not surprising that many people , some of whom may have seen the equity in their homes rise tenfold , should decide to spend more .
2 Performing King Lear in the round meant making eye-contact with members of the audience , some of whom may have really been embroiled in mayhem the actors were merely playing at .
3 Similar attitudes of troops of occupation of all ages and in all places , from South America to India , help us understand the revulsion now felt by many Britons , some of whom may have been sympathetic to Rome and hopeful of recognition of their natural rights and dignity .
4 He was survived by his widow and seven sons and five daughters , some of whom may have been from his previous marriage .
5 I am sure that the House wished to join him in sending its sympathy to the many victims , some of whom may have suffered irreparable damage .
6 The January 1983 Medau News would contain an article explaining the new system to all and a letter would be sent to class secretaries ( some of whom may have changed since Sept. ) asking again for their help in encouraging membership amongst class members .
7 That meant a reservoir of skilled engineers , some of whom might have accumulated 15 or more years ' experience before being made redundant or taking early retirement .
8 Investors , some of whom might have earlier come out with a fortune were suddenly losing .
9 It is of course not easy and there are few ready-made answers for a church group trying to provide bereavement care for all those with whom they come in contact , some of whom will have family members who have committed suicide .
10 Over one-third of single mothers with dependent children were cohabiting in 1985 , and many divorced and separated women , some of whom will have children , constitute a significant number of additional step-families , in fact , if not in law ( Central Statistical Office , 1988 ) .
11 The greater landowners would also employ other gentlemen servants in the management of their estates in the early eighteenth century , some of whom might be freeholders , and all of whom would have connections with the voting freeholders , and while it is true that some of these appointments were poorly paid , one has to bear in mind the comparative poverty of so many of the Scottish gentry in terms of money income .
12 Since then , the mill ( which is not open to the public ) has been visited by a large number of interested bodies , all of whom must have been greatly impressed with this tale of hard work , expense and perseverence .
13 Salvidge proposed to delete these insulting words but could not even find a seconder ; nine MPs were present , including Younger , Sanders and Neville Chamberlain , all of whom must have approved of the resolution or seen the futility of attempting to amend it .
14 ‘ Not just for us , but for lessees , many of whom might have found it difficult to get finance elsewhere . ’
15 This shortfall must have an impact on the student 's educational development , leaving their clinical education to already hard-pressed clinical practitioners , many of whom will have limited teaching experience or skills .
16 In addition , there are an unknown number of refugees from various countries , several of whom may have impairments associated with war , torture and so on .
17 Otherwise there would n't have been a chance for someone with such a large family , almost any of whom could have taken her in .
18 There are now more parents either one or both of whom will have higher qualifications and it is unlikely that parents with higher qualifications will desire less education for their children .
19 The great British public , most of whom would have been hard pressed to name three members of the Cabinet of this or any administration , were pre-occupied with chasing the sun in one of the rainiest summers in recent years and took the loss of a junior minister with equanimity .
20 They could be constructed by random surveys of a general practitioner 's practice population ( culturally valid ) , most of whom would have had personal experience of common conditions .
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