Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [Wh det] may [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Modules at this stage have minimal pre entry recommendations and offer opportunities to develop a wide range of skills , some of which may lead to vocational competence .
2 In the UK , in addition to unemployment benefits , an individual out of work may be eligible to receive other state benefits such as for dependent children ( child benefit , free school milk and meals , etc. ) , some of which may continue after re-employment .
3 Aches and pains of various kinds may occur , some of which may mimic the symptoms of her husband 's last illness , and her general health may deteriorate , because at first she will be so absorbed in grieving and a kind of mental ‘ searching ’ for what she has lost that she may tend to neglect her bodily needs .
4 Records relate to coasting movements , which are difficult to evaluate and some of which may refer only to local movements , and both immigration and emigration in in spring and autumn .
5 A procedure on the other hand , is specifically intended to carry out a number of actions , some of which may affect program variables , but it does not directly return a result .
6 Studies of pronuclear division in fertilized eggs are useful for assessing the primary level of chromosome abnormalities , some of which may act as zygotic lethals or become disguised in subsequent cleavages .
7 It is unfortunately very easy sometimes to let the eyes wander — and the mind as well — if an elderly person is running the gamut of a whole list of troubles , some of which may seem more like minor irritations .
8 This may have come about as a result of a phase of shifting settlement gradually giving way to greater stability , so that when land boundaries ( some of which may have also become parish boundaries ) were formed the earlier settlements may , purely by chance , occur at a distance to later ones and are therefore more likely to lie near boundaries ( see also , Welch 1985 , pp. 18–21 ) .
9 Thus every individual needs to be regarded as having a unique set of problems , some of which may have encouraged him or her to drink too much , and some of which may be the outcome of the drinking , rather than being thought of as an ‘ alcoholic ’ or an ‘ addict ’ .
10 Serial music may be written in various idioms , some of which may have virtually no melody at all .
11 They may be composed of impact ejecta , some of which may have been molten .
12 New courses appear every year to compete with those which are already on the market ( some of which may have been in use for many years ) and which are quite successful in their various ways .
13 It 's not unknown for an American to want to show a dozen video tapes , each of which may cost £50 to transfer to the British system .
14 The disk is round , diameter up to 14 mm , covered by small imbricating scales , each of which may carry a single red-like spinelet , the tip of which may be multifid or simply abraded .
15 I think Stuart is hoping several group members will contribute specific perspectives , each of which may form a chapter of the report , whereas others will contribute through critical assessment of the issues .
16 I think Stuart is hoping several group members will contribute specific perspectives , each of which may form a chapter of the report , whereas others will contribute through an assessment of the issues .
17 For instance , a syntactic edge may span a number of lexical edges , each of which may span a number of phonemic edges , and so on .
18 The traditional line-item budget has the following defects : ( a ) The budget is subdivided on the basis of department or activity centres , each of which may operate several programmes either individually or as joint ventures .
19 One prominent tendency in recent Marxist thought , therefore , has been to replace the relatively simple and precise evolutionary scheme of Marx 's 1859 Preface by a more complex and indefinite picture of the history of society in which , beyond the primitive communal stage , two broad types of society are distinguished — pre-capitalist and capitalist each of which may develop very diverse forms of economy , politics and culture .
20 But besides unintentional incorrect reporting in newspapers there is also the problem of bias , much of which may emanate from the political stance taken by a newspaper in an uncensored society .
21 There is an immense difference between the political systems of fascism and of liberal democracy , either of which may exist in a capitalist society ; and no one can doubt that the history of the world would have been very different if the fascist powers had been victorious in the Second World War .
22 Well-known examples are the cliffs of Pleistocene deposits on the east coast and the cliffs of Tertiary beds and coombe rock on the south coast , all of which may contain rounded flint material .
23 Furthermore , small bowel enteroscopy in patients taking NSAIDs has confirmed the abnormalities in the mid small bowel , which range from erythematous blebs and villus atrophy to frank ulceration , all of which may bleed .
24 These include an effect on gastric emptying and intestinal transit time , the reduction of intraluminal pressure and colonic faecal transit , all of which may alter central blood pressure regulation via afferent nerves from the gastrointestinal tract ( Anderson , 1981 ) .
25 All of which may appear to be fairly straightforward , but to connect four musicians in such a short time with a combined objective and musical compatibility is no mean feat .
26 This was broadly speaking the approach adopted in Chapter 2 , and it led to a model which located each discipline somewhere in a three-dimensional space , defined by its object , stance and mode , all of which may vary over time .
27 All of which may cut little ice in the Central South area .
28 The third is the growth of modular-credit schemes reinforced by a shift from student grants to loans , from full-time to part-time study , from young to mature entrants , all of which may have an impact — though one difficult to discern — on the breadth and structure of studies .
29 In Europe police organisation is hierarchical , centralised and supervised by the government , all of which may account for the tendency to rely on police investigations while , at the same time , declining to constrain them by the kind of normative rules we find in Anglo-American law .
30 These plants , part or all of which may cause ill effects , can all be found in this country .
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