Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [Wh det] [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 I would be apportioned my six — half of which would be business — Joyce would set about her one hundred and sixty-six .
2 Later plans involved an additional expenditure of about £150 million to take the railway into Bank , about half of which would be met by the Canary Wharf developers ( see below ) .
3 The lottery is expected to raise around £1 billion per year , about half of which will be used to support the arts ( in particular the national heritage ) , with the remainder allocated to protection of the environment , sports and charities .
4 Each will cover between 40 and 80 square miles , about half of which will be cloaked in trees .
5 Start with a length of about seven metres of wire , precisely half of which should be spooled onto a shuttle thin enough to pass through the centre of the toroid .
6 The paucity of available evidence concerning the foundation of the institution and the activities of the early Muftis means that one can hope to do no more than to draw reasonable inferences from the little evidence that does exist ; and some of what can be said about these problems involves a projection backward from the activities of later Muftis and will therefore be considered in greater detail in later sections .
7 The advantages of such a mechanism are clear , it is possible to manipulate the model and thus understand the outside world in the sense of predicting what will happen without the potential costs of attempting to manipulate the real world and allowing things to happen , some of which might be considered to be unfortunate .
8 If being monitored for exposure to external penetrating radiation can be a marker of other exposures in the workplace , some of which might be hazardous , studies of the relation between men 's exposure to external radiation and leukaemia in their children could yield apparently inconsistent results .
9 Plants from the Physic Garden were copied by the gifted collage artist , Mrs Delaney , and fourteen were faithfully reproduced in her delicate paper mosaic work , some of which may be seen in the British Museum today .
10 A good hunch is heuristic , productive of preliminary explanatory propositions and capable of analysis into a priori axioms that can be reformulated into hypotheses , some of which may be practically testable .
11 In cleaning and disinfection there are six basic steps , some of which may be combined or omitted , to evolve a particular method .
12 The respondents , in a normal population , will contain much larger numbers of unsophisticated , poorly educated , inarticulate and non-jargon-using people whose task it will be to try to answer questions , some of which may be quite baffling to them .
13 The relevant questions should not concern how local ‘ culture ’ forms local politics , but how this ‘ culture ’ itself is formed , how it is sustained or transformed , and how it affects local political activity in conjunction with a host of other structures and practices , some of which may be locally based and some of which may not .
14 It is also important that national authorities administer Community rules in a coherent fashion and that companies are aware of their Community rights , some of which may be newly acquired , to ensure that they benefit fully from them .
15 A large retail organisation owns m sites , some of which may be warehouses and some may be shops .
16 The central argument in the book is that there are a variety of ways of organising work , some of which may be more efficient than others , some of which will be preferred by workers , and others which may be preferred by managers .
17 There is no simple kind of sexual liberation possible which will eradicate the neuroses caused by sexual repression without , at the same time , producing social changes , only some of which may be controllable in rational ways .
18 Even within the Home Office , one of the most heavyweight of all Whitehall Departments , the Secretary of State will have to set his own priorities between immigration and nationality , criminal justice , national security , gambling , the fire service , Sunday trading , dangerous dogs , and many other topics for legislation , some of which may be urgent , and most of which will be controversial .
19 If you have several galls , more adults should emerge in the course of the next week or two , some of which may be the adults of inquiline insects .
20 Indeed , multiproduct companies will normally have a variety of means open to them for breaking even on their operation , some of which may be approximately equally efficient , so that governmental intervention to choose one amongst them , something facilitated by state ownership , is not necessarily inefficient .
21 The goal here is to illustrate the general contention set out in this book that in order to use regions in geography ( as against practising regional geography ) it is necessary to appreciate what the salient features of a region ( or place ) are — some of which may be more important to particular research tasks than others .
22 Thus every individual needs to be regarded as having a unique set of problems , some of which may have encouraged him or her to drink too much , and some of which may be the outcome of the drinking , rather than being thought of as an ‘ alcoholic ’ or an ‘ addict ’ .
23 Full-time provision includes courses of one to three and four years ' duration , some of which may be studied as separate ‘ end-on ’ courses and many of which provide opportunities for transfer of suitable students to degree courses .
24 There are several publications on the history of the Caledonian Railway , some of which may be available in local libraries .
25 In view of the nature of many illnesses , some of which may be terminal , the handling requirements will vary considerably .
26 Whereas biochemical studies can measure enzyme activities , immunohistochemistry can only provide information on enzyme protein , some of which may be inactive .
27 The teacher might think of extra resources : a box of artefacts ( some of which may be replicas ) which the pupils can handle ; a bookcase with additional reference materials including dictionaries and atlases as well as appropriate texts of higher and lower levels or a selection of visual materials for study .
28 On the one hand the behaviour is more complicated very close to the critical parameter value , with infinitely many periodic orbits in existence on both sides of the bifurcation , some of which may be stable { 10,15,31,32 } .
29 Thus , one of the arts of banking is to balance the potential cash requirements of depositors with the bank 's desire to hold a spectrum of profit-earning assets , some of which may be relatively illiquid .
30 And he certainly did not mean legends and fairy stories ( some of which would be mythical in his sense , some of which would not ) .
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