Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [Wh det] [noun] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 She then , in between coping with phone calls , half of which Jimmy would normally have handled , got on with what she was paid to do .
2 The Enham material has been discussed at such length because it suggests much about contemporary conditions , and is essential to an understanding of the documents which Wulfstan wrote under Cnut , some of whose actions must have been disapproved .
3 There is no real common denominator that can be used to classify the ‘ Originals ’ , the first fifty-odd recruits to the SAS , some of whose names will constantly crop up during the course of this book .
4 Bosch , with total sales of £12 billion last year , has 40 p.c. of the German market for wall-hung boilers and its products , some of which Worcester will make in Britain , are said to be complementary .
5 The earliest of these were collected in a volume of Cantiones which he published in 1575 jointly with Tallis , thus marking Elizabeth I 's grant to them of a twenty-one year monopoly of music printing ; others followed in two sets of Cantiones sacrae ( 1589 and 1591 ) and two of Gradualia ( 1605 and 1607 ) , a corpus of work almost as varied in technique and sometimes as ‘ madrigalian ’ in word-painting as that of Lassus — some of which Byrd may well have known — or of Alfonso Ferrabosco the elder ( 1543–88 ) who was his friend and colleague in the Queen 's service for sixteen years and wrote not only ‘ madrigalian ’ motets but simple Latin hymn-settings in a style very similar to Byrd 's .
6 To that end , powers were vested by the FSA in the Secretary of State ( the relevant department being originally the Department of Trade and Industry and subsequently the Treasury ) , some of which powers could be delegated to a " designated agency " , a non-statutory body .
7 Obviously there are other aspects of intelligent behaviour , some of which Bali may discourage ; perhaps a time will come when he tells himself ‘ I 've run away from a big world to a little one , I was wrong ’ .
8 Binomial distributions deal with a fixed population , each of whose members may possess only one of two possible elements ( the thesis is either cited in one year , or it is not ) , and the successive values of these elements are not dependent on the previous values ( a citation in one year does not imply a lack of citation in a following year ) .
9 By novation under the regulations , as explained above , the contract will thereupon be replaced by two separate contracts , to each of which LCH will be party as principal .
10 Lunch consisted of bread and cheese , neither of which Charlie would have dared to offer for sale to Mrs Smelley .
11 For although these have been substantially revised there is still a considerable element of compulsion involved in the duty to train and exercise staff , and an absence of any conscientious objection clause analogous to that of which combatants may avail themselves .
12 According to this view , de Gaulle was calculating that his resignation would produce a groundswell of popular annoyance with the parties or would give the politicians an opportunity to display their full incompetence — either of which outcomes would lead to de Gaulle 's rapid reinstatement , this time with a popular mandate to create the kind of constitution that he favoured .
13 The following day they saw a column of vehicles approaching from the wrong direction to that from which Timpson should have appeared .
14 Moral philosophers who hold this sort of view are wont to agree with the attitudinist that moral judgements , or value judgements on which they are based , express emotional attitudes , but will insist that these can be correct or incorrect in quite as objective a way as that in which judgements can be true or false .
15 There will have to be agreement about the significance and relationship between the variables involved in the planning process , before these variables can be accepted as those for which research must be carried out , and forecasts made .
16 University offers a unique opportunity to study subjects not offered at school as well as those of which applicants may have some experience .
17 Sun is clearly demonstrating to Bill Gates some of the black arts on which the Unix industry has cut its teeth — more of which Microsoft can undoubtedly expect to face with its Windows NT challenge .
18 Sun is clearly demonstrating to Bill Gates some of the black arts on which the Unix industry has cut its teeth — more of which Microsoft can undoubtedly expect to face when it launches its Windows NT challenge .
19 He must show that the bilateral structure of conventionalism effectively distinguishes between different circumstances : those in which surprise should be avoided and those in which it must , for these competing reasons , be tolerated .
20 The Court of Appeal was satisfied that the following matters were among those to which attention should be paid : 1 The nature of the employment Employment in a capacity where " confidential " material is habitually handled may impose a high obligation of confidentiality because the employee can be expected to realise its sensitive nature to a greater extent than if he were employed in a capacity where such material reaches him only occasionally or incidentally .
21 I had discovered that without which life must be worse than death .
22 Damien Hirst ( several of whose pieces can currently be seen at the Saatchi Collection in London ) may create installations from a shark suspended in formaldehyde , or from flies being bred in a sealed glass chamber , but each work is a memento mori as powerful as any Dutch still life .
23 But this can not be the only explanation , because pigeons can home normally even when taken out in enclosed vans in continuously rotating cages , or even under anaesthetic , both of which treatments should render learning the outward journey impossible .
24 Although it is giving some of its ‘ glue ’ source to USL , most of what USL will have and what will be distributed is binary .
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