Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But 3p off a litre of petrol will do little for the men at Ford who need their jobs .
2 If a flagrant oversight like this could occur it says little for the prospects of men of lowly status being correctly recorded .
3 Both national survey data and smaller in-depth studies now enable us to document at least some of the financial effects of care-giving on women , although we still know very little about the consequences for women who begin or continue to give care in their own old age , or about the experiences of Black women carers .
4 ‘ They are young and inexperienced and they come mostly from cities and know little about the problems of rural people .
5 We know that black elderly people , for example , have very little contact with formal social services but we know far too little about the reasons for this .
6 As Scherer concludes , ‘ we know far too little about the methods of goal formation and conflict resolution within large organizations .
7 Gaily knew very little about the ways of church services , and so he sat halfway towards the back , looking at the coffin and the windows full of pale saints carrying lilies and the dust motes in the groin of the roof .
8 Yet , given the reality that a number of children were deprived and neglected and the shortage of sympathetic officials , who could in any case have done little about the causes of such deprivation , it is difficult to known what alternative measures were available .
9 However , they were poorly informed about costs , knew little about the alternatives to private in-patient treatment ( especially the option of NHS care ) and showed little inclination to choose their doctor or hospital .
10 Having given Moses a glimpse of that through the fingers of his hand , God commands him to cut two tablets of stone to replace those which were broken .
11 With the development of the capitalist mode of production there is an intensification of two principal contradictions within capitalism ; that between the forces of production and the social relations of production , and that between the working class and the bourgeoisie .
12 The growth of individualism has weakened the economic relationships between the generations to a far greater extent than that between the sexes within the family .
13 It failed to convince readers either of the case against nationalism or of that for the policies of slow African advance being put forward by the Government .
14 And how important is that for the birds of the area .
15 And it is doing just that for the ladies in my classes .
16 For example , the interval between marriage and the birth of the first child for professional and managerial families is twice as long as that for the families of unskilled workers .
17 In Margate crime rose by twenty percent last year we found that for the victims of crime here the use of cautioning has undermined confidence in the justice system .
18 With this in mind one can see , then , that for the purposes of sociological enquiry the form of the interview must always be ultimately referable to its value in the advancement of sociological theory .
19 In the ‘ Oz ’ case , the Appeal Court ruled , in effect , that for the purposes of the Obscene Publications Act 1959 the word ‘ obscene ’ meant , and meant only , ‘ a tendency to deprave and corrupt . ’
20 Held , allowing the appeal and substituting a period of postponement not to exceed six months ( Sir George Waller dissenting ) , that for the purposes of making an order for sale in favour of a trustee in bankruptcy under s. 30 of the Law of Property Act 1925 no distinction was to be made between a case where a property was being enjoyed as the matrimonial home and one where it had ceased to be so used ; that where a spouse , having a beneficial interest in such property , had become bankrupt , the interests of the creditors would usually prevail over the interests of the other spouse and a sale of the property ordered within a short period ; that only in exceptional circumstances , more than the ordinary consequences of debt and improvidence , could the interests of the other spouse prevail so as to enable an order for sale to be postponed for a substantial period ; and that , accordingly , since the circumstances of the wives and their children , albeit distressing , were not exceptional , the order sought by the trustee should be made .
21 Though intimidation was not discussed in the case it can not be that B could have avoided the binding nature of the contract by the simple device of counterclaiming for damages for intimidation and it seems therefore that for the purposes of intimidation the plaintiff should be required to show unlawful coercion at least of such a degree as would enable him to avoid a contract .
22 Thirdly , he may provide that for the purposes of the rent review under the headlease , the sublet property shall be deemed to be let at a rack rent .
23 The functional association of two domains can then be interpreted through a hierarchical search extending down from the initial checking for the intersection of geometric domains , through an entity or edge condition check , into that for the relationships of the sub-surfaces contained within the spatial intersection .
24 It was agreed that ( i ) a system of proportional representation in the Assembly of the Republic ( legislature ) would be adopted ; ( ii ) legislative and presidential elections would be held simultaneously within one year of the signing of a ceasefire accord , although this deadline could be extended ; ( iii ) presidential candidates would be at least 35 years old and their candidacies supported by a minimum of 10,000 signatures ; ( iv ) the minimum voting age and that for the representatives in the Assembly would be 25 years , although there was an expectation that these would be reduced to 18 years after the first set of elections ; ( v ) a National Electoral Commission , one-third of whose members would be appointed by the MNR , would organize the electoral process , determining for example the number of seats per region ; and ( vi ) the government would assist the MNR to secure appropriate facilities to carry out its political work in at least every provincial capital .
25 Do this for the women of the world , read the note John Furie Zacharias held .
26 Substitution of numbers for 52 per cent could do this for an words in formulae easy standing charge and number of units ' formula and 17 per cent for an electricity bill ( p.61 ) .
27 While Father Aden tidies the rooms , Brother Bernard slips into his role as tourist guide , showing off some off the treasures of the Abbey .
28 The matter was first drawn to our attention as far back as 1974 when the nuclear industry inspectorate 's chief inspector said this about the consequences of developing reprocessing in the United Kingdom : ’ The price for Britain of building lucrative business world-wide in nuclear fuel services could be that it becomes the dumping place for the world 's nuclear waste . ’
29 We notice this about the covenants of the Bible ; they are usually established with the signs of sacrifice and blood .
30 There is a considerable wish to have efficiency in enterprises , and to bring this about the jobs of men and women have been simplified .
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