Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] be [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 As each component was later to be assembled into the complete working mechanism , care was taken in laying out the details in order to reduce the manipulation that is necessary at a later stage .
2 ‘ The disciplined use of decorative devices demands proper consideration of their function , ’ he emphasizes , ‘ even if or perhaps especially if that function is just to be eye-catching .
3 Paisley 's standing among the urban working-class ‘ secular ’ Protestants was considerably enhanced , and that support was later to be translated into support in elections .
4 However , even though there was a misdirection in this respect , their Lordships agreed with the advocate depute that that misdirection was plainly to the advantage of the first appellant .
5 When Mrs Whatsit asks him tonight why her little Johnny is n't making more progress with his English , Iain McWhirter will reply that progress is not to be expected from a boy who is abysmally lazy and congenitally stupid . ’
6 Even if that figure were now to be drastically reduced orthodox interpretations of the fossil evidence together with orthodox evolutionary theory would require that the last generalized man/ape , the " missing link " of the early Darwinian imagination , must have died out an exceedingly long time ago .
7 That shooting was later to be investigated by John Stalker .
8 But by the evening HQ 5 Corps and the Army commander personally had been instructed that force was not to be used .
9 If he disturbs a trespasser , for example , and tells him that he is about to use force to expel the intruder , there is no doubt that the intruder realises that he is being threatened , and that violence is about to be used against him .
10 What each side is up to in advancing its interpretation is a different kind of question .
11 This overreaction was not to last , but , while it was still strong upon Anna , while she briefly favoured neat cardigans and regular library hours and institutional meals , she chanced upon Peter Bouverie .
12 If a European Union of this kind were ever to be formed , it would either introduce new tensions and resentment when countries found their policies increasingly dependent on the most powerful country , and thereby lead to the break-up of the Community ; or , if it did somehow succeed , the future union would in effect be a greater Germany , balancing uneasily between East and West , inheriting and perhaps magnifying the complexes and instabilities of post-Bismarckian Germany .
13 The er , the very important experiences of this story were never to be received into his work .
14 Finally , I would observe that the justice in this case is not to be criticised for the decision she reached on the Friday , which was based on advice given her by a legally qualified court clerk , reinforced by the submission of the representative of the Crown Prosecution Service and acquiesced in by the defendant 's solicitor .
15 This knitting was then to be washed and thoroughly steam pressed .
16 No , this technique is only to be used when travelling home alone , late at night , through fairly deserted streets .
17 The political and social context and the popular mood seemed to demand an upbeat cinema but this cinema was not to be a cinema of fantasy or make-believe but rather it was a cinema created in the image of its audiences .
18 It seemed another play was about to be abandoned but he finally arrived and leapt up to the platform to make a rather more dignified ‘ Entry into Jerusalem ’ .
19 This toy is still to Shanti a great treasure .
20 In the event , he was accepted at Birmingham University , but just before he arrived he was informed that the geography department had been closed down because of austerity measures brought in during World War N. He therefore decided to read geology instead , but shortly afterwards he received notification that this department was also to be closed .
21 The aim of this study was therefore to further explore the potential relation between serum gastrin and pepsinogen-I and -II concentrations and H pylori infection in a large number of H pylori positive and H pylori negative , subjects without symptoms and to compare the results with those in patients with duodenal ulcers .
22 It was not wholly superseded until the publication of Richard Westfall 's Never at Rest in 1980 ( a condensed , updated version of this biography is soon to be published by Cambridge University Press as The Life of Isaac Newton ) .
23 This figure is now to be index-linked .
24 While this practice is not to be recommended , it does happen and even without the wording of clause 17.1 Section 2 of the Law of Property ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1989 could be instrumental .
25 This committee was still to report when the Council in 1958 felt it necessary to reiterate its interest in a common market .
26 Obviously this flexibility was frequently to the client 's advantage , but it was also open to abuse .
27 The aim of this Council was putatively to ‘ represent the opinions , ideas and experience of the whole country to the broadcasting authorities ’ .
28 How often do we see a scene on television where , when some help is about to be given to a seriously ill person , the family members present are asked to wait outside .
29 Imbalance of this sort is only to be expected ; for we are very human and our understanding is limited and our perspectives often determined by what has particularly struck us .
30 This continuity is hardly to be wondered at when it is remembered that precious substances have attracted and continue to attract interest by reason of their inherent qualities .
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