Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [prep] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 You see , my dear , we had a little difficulty over which should adorn the top of the tree , the star of Bethlehem which is of course the only proper thing as well as being the only thing countenanced by the Rector , or an immensely glittering and unsuitable fairy doll someone was so ill-judged as to give to Helen .
2 ‘ I know what you 'd like to do — and it may surprise you , Kit , if I admit that part of me may even want to myself .
3 We need to remember , however , that story by itself will not do .
4 It is seldom practised with roses now — there is so little advantage over what can be achieved by budding — and is really of superfluous interest to be included here .
5 These findings suggest that fixed-term contract workers and agency workers are not always direct substitutes for one another ( in other words , that resort to one might be made for reasons very different than resort to the other ) .
6 Until the time will come when that enemy in you will win and your yearning for freedom will be only a lie which you turn into dreams that start ‘ if only …
7 At this point , planning provided little guidance to what would follow ; the difficulties of extemporizing new manoeuvres were enormous and helped to reinforce the prevailing view that the overriding aim must be an early victory obtained essentially by good initial deployment .
8 See , if you sort of somehow trellis that area , that side in you could actually have this mo more intimate if people just wanted
9 It seemed as though she liked to keep those she loved to herself , as if by sharing , some part of them would be lost to her forever .
10 Despite her natural antagonism because he had n't accepted her word alone , some part of her could n't help feeling a grudging admiration for his thoroughness .
11 That is , continuous dynamic dealing with minor perturbations is automatic and so also is the application of basic rules about safety ; for example , the system or some part of it might be programmed to go through a step-change function such as a shut-down if certain parameters exceed prescribed limits .
12 This part of him will never sleep .
13 But it should also be said that some elements of this description of mine could be taken to characterise the activity , sometimes ominous enough in its human implications , of all imaginative writers , however remote they may be from the dualistic confederacy .
14 The following possibilities of choral orchestration are limited to the most-used textures ; traditional forms such as fugato , fugue , and canon are omitted , being too closely identified stylistically with past epochs to be of effective use today ( though some mention of them will be made later ) .
15 Yeah , what I thought see , if you come out and I 'm covering the door and this light on you 'll be able to see straight away .
16 I vividly remember , although I was in a thoroughly sleepy condition , telling him that in my view the only proper justification for an enquiry about Mr Profumo 's personal life depended on the possibility that some act of his might have compromised security , because he obviously had information which was secret .
17 He had another boy with him might
18 I 've put , put this heater on which might give us a little bit of , a little bit of warmth
19 For , ‘ trust between a company and its external auditors is very important and interposing another committee between them will only make the relationship fraught ’ .
20 If there has to be a last minute addition to the contract after the document has been prepared and is awaiting exchange , it could be written into the draft contract before exchange , or some reference to it could be added to the contract so long as all that was done with the authority of the parties who signed it .
21 We 'll have a bit of this type of We 'll have , have a bit of that tying wire .
22 Selling in bear markets to clients who have some inkling of it can be hell .
23 It was during this period of what used to be called the Dark Ages that the ethnic map of Europe began to assume a character which in the main survives today .
24 This distinction between what would happen and what might happen is crucial for what follows .
25 From this point on he might have been in Oz for all he knew .
26 From this point on he would aim his life in a new direction .
27 Put another top on him will you for me please ?
28 And there does seem to be some speculation about who will now play in goal .
29 But this revolution in what must be Britain 's most valued public industry , is taking place in the market place .
30 Neighbours who will do this service for you should use the back door , where there 's less chance of them being seen going in and out .
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