Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [pron] go [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Without consulting Ann , he announced that the boy was to be named after is grandfather Tristram Pascoe ; and having taken that decision he went off down to the harbour to see if Gristy was back from the fishing and to crow over winning the wager .
2 In typical Whig language , Ferguson concluded that the Sovereign having no other Ground of claim to any Power or Prerogative , save what he hath from the Constitution which hath settled and vested them in him , That Prince who goes about to overthrow this , does all he can to cancel his own Right .
3 as in this case we go down the three column , the three is a in the numerator N one , right , till we reach seventeen , right , and now test to see if it 's three point two right , so if we
4 In this case she went back to her third birthday .
5 If I ca well if I catch this side it goes round to Church Hill
6 At this point we go on to plant noumenal gardens that are not to be contemplated or comprehended by the understanding or conveyed in words .
7 But this week I went along to ‘ the other Headingley ’ where he plies his trade week-in , week-out to talk to him about his hopes and ambitions and how he saw the season panning out for his big-spending club .
8 Without another word she went back into the kitchen then came out to him , closed the front door after her without locking it and got into the car .
9 It was this message which went out in the eighteenth century , and became enshrined in the First Amendment to the American Constitution .
10 See even that there If for some reason you go back there and you 're not happy with the suit
11 The local nicks at Penzance and St Ives must have some idea what goes on in a set-up like that on their doorsteps . ’
12 In this way one goes up the scale gradually instead of in leaps as in the centesimal scale .
13 This year he went out in his first heat at the Hard Rock .
14 ‘ But this time I go up under my own steam . ’
15 ‘ Perhaps it was that bump we went over , ’ said Bob hesitantly .
16 That evening he went down to Alexandra 's flat and knocked on the door .
17 That night we went back to the house .
18 ‘ They phoned me at home on a Friday evening and that night I went out to celebrate , ’ she said .
19 That night I went back to my digs and asked Cissie Owen : " What have I gone and done ?
20 The rest of my holiday went so quickly , each day we went out , sight seeing or to various beaches , and also it was very hot , not like England .
21 But most of my time I spent in the many and varied mosques , and each day I went back to Hagia Sophia , sometimes remaining for hours .
22 well we can do that we had some lovely spring , that day we went up to the park it was what spring like were n't it ?
23 Later that day we went back to my first house .
24 At 5pm that day I went along to Anouska Hempel 's very individual and attractive showroom at 2 Pond Place , Chelsea , where I saw her really lovely couture collection , for which she derived the inspiration from Eastern Europe .
25 When I was living in my former role I went along to a lesbian meeting , thinking that might be what I was , but what I wanted was a relationship with a woman as a man .
26 So there would b take away this anomaly of old people having to use three buses to get from one end of the town to the other , which means , in actual fact , that each bus they went on to , they paid this ten pence , which if there 's three , if they do not turn it twice a week , twice a day , that 's sixty pence .
27 But it was years since she had felt at ease in any store which went back a long way from the street and therefore had no windows through which she could see daylight .
28 Instead of getting out at her own floor she went on up to the fourth floor , and stood in front of Matthew Prescott 's front door .
29 ‘ And I like cities , pretty much any city I go through .
30 And then from that school you went on to another one ?
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