Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This would also give each Park its own authority , independent of local councils ( thereby extending a system applying presently in the Lakes and the Peak ) .
2 But in order to do this he must decide in each case what these conventions declare the law to be ; in order to do this he must decide what the content of each convention really is .
3 While I was doing that sentence my other case for running a brothel and living off immoral earnings came up .
4 Some of those on the left have assumed that there is an inherent socialist majority in Britain which has failed to surface only because successive Labour governments , in pursuing a policy of managing rather than opposing capitalism , have never given that majority its political cue .
5 ‘ I was upset over that telegram my beloved son sent .
6 [ reading ] " When you read this letter you will be far on your way to your father and mother where you have so long desired to be , and I hope I shall forbear thinking of you with the least shadow of that fondness my foolish heart had entertained for you .
7 Thereafter , she became a statutory tenant under section 2(1) ( a ) , and giving the words of that subsection their natural meaning , it would appear that she was by the Act to remain a statutory tenant so long as she continued in occupation of the dwelling-house .
8 It was that bust-up which ruined team morale this season and contributed to Lancashire 's desperately poor season .
9 On the right of the path Halling field is continued and when we get to the Plough there is a building shown behind the inn and this is most certainly the dwelling that gave this field its old name Burnt House field .
10 In this case her no-arbitrage futures price is S ( 1 + fr ) - D ( 1 + r ) = ( 2400 × 25 × 1.025 ) - ( 1000 × 1.05 ) = £60 450 .
11 You 'd dearly love to claim them as one of ours , the latest American band to owe an unpayable debt to Brit-rock 's influence — in this case My Bloody Valentine and what that yanks dozily call ‘ Dream Pop ’ — but that would be too simple .
12 This was another case which homeless persons occupying temporary accommodation .
13 that Jackie will tell you the same , I told her mother anything from thirty to forty years ago I said , that do n't matter some toss what political power they get in power you 'll find the unions will run the country
14 I see from my files that Simon Murison-Bowie sent you two copies of the Agreement for this tape which required signing on behalf of the University of Toronto and return to us , and asked for confirmation of your tape specification requirements in his letter of 19 February .
15 He saw Mary , standing by the doorway , looking at him directly as he rode towards her , unflinching in her look at this stranger whose jingling tackle whinnied against the soft crush of the accustomed evening sounds of the valley , the sun behind him and he , as he drew near , as intent on her .
16 When viewed in this light its theoretical position and its influence in relation to the social movements of Fabianism and New Liberalism may be revealed .
17 After its opening Archbishop Melton of York demanded that the king should be brought before parliament ; Bishops Stratford and Orleton were thereupon sent to Kenilworth , where the king was imprisoned , to request his attendance but they came back to report with some zest his offensive words of refusal .
18 Crump — this would provide an opportunity for a salving weep — Crump would live on for this child herself one day would bear children …
19 In another passage our final text reads ‘ His words were as if meant for himself , but he spoke them aloud , and he continued for some time to look at his sister like a man perplexed . ’
20 I 'll in the eye , do n't want this waste my expensive deodorant !
21 Is this doing him any harm ?
22 In English this does not necessarily happen , although one might claim it is precisely this device which good story-tellers invoke , even in English .
23 This evening Her Royal Highness , Patron of the British Nutrition Foundation , attended a Dinner at the Natural History Museum ( Chairman of the Council of the British Nutrition Foundation , Dr Jack Edelman ) .
24 It had n't occurred to him that at some point his life-support system would be taken away .
25 At this point Antonio enters , and Shylock instantly switches to verse in an aside to us : This is a crucial moment , revealing to us alone at this point his real hatred , so strong that only verse can express it .
26 At this point his heavy hand came into harsh contact with my face .
27 From a knowledge of what edges and surfaces are present , and how they are oriented relative to the eye , we are able to deduce with some confidence what three-dimensional objects are present .
28 Hideously scarred mutants in metal machines — the survivors of a terrible thermonuclear war — capture and imprison them , believing the four to be Thals , the other race on this planet whom these Daleks once fought .
29 GUIL : ( Coda ) Call us this day our daily tune
30 GUIL : ( Low , wry rhetoric ) Give us this day our daily mask .
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