Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [verb] he [art] " in BNC.

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1 He was running short of petrol and that route offered him the chance to capture replenishments along the way .
2 Furthermore , I do not see that fastening a label from ancient philosophy upon Wordsworth — in this case to call him a ‘ Pantheist ’ — is particularly helpful ; we are simply consigning him to a museum of dead ideas .
3 Haslam believes this experience taught him the need to recognise that many products follow a predictable life cycle .
4 When he was at school another boy told him the Chinese see a rabbit in the moon .
5 This business gave him the time and money to pursue his hobby of microscopy to a highly professional level .
6 His work on it led Koops to prove that paper made from straw , wood , and recycled waste paper could be produced commercially ; this achievement earns him a place in the history of paper-making .
7 The fiasco started when a letter was delivered to his home in Barnet , Herts , earlier this week informing him the £9.41 cheque would not be honoured .
8 Cantona has become so attractive to Leeds that they are expected this week to offer him a two or three-year contract , and Nimes , his French club , a further £800,000 , when the striker 's loan period expires at the end of the season .
9 The Jack Berry-trained sprinter is unbeaten in five visits to Town Moor and this success earned him a 7lb penalty for the Ayr Gold Cup which takes his weight to 8st 12lbs .
10 He remembers before especially some idiot handing him a photo of his friend Jochen Rindt 's grave through the window of his car , and he remembers after , the sound of a chopper as he 's wafted off to hospital , but not the accident itself .
11 Of course ! she could see it all now : Luke had suggested this date to give him the opportunity to warn her off Rob !
12 That lady tamed him the first time he set eyes on her .
13 She told me how much food to give him every day , and to be sure to leave the window open a bit so he could get into the garden and do his business .
14 One would expect such energy to earn him the approval of the Nazarean hierarchy in Jerusalem .
15 His senior secretary had been instructed to cancel his engagements for that evening to give him a few hours ' peace before a six-month period in which his diary was entirely filled .
16 Nicholson will be glad when he can remove for the last time the putty nose , hairpiece and false front tooth the make-up wizards gave him each day to make him a mirror-image of bully-boy Hoffa .
17 Landor 's want of training and his impatience to press on with all speed made him an unreliable surveyor , and there were those who impugned the veracity of his hair-raising escapes ; but in energy and resourcefulness , in courage and power of endurance , he was the equal of any of the previous generation of great explorers .
18 Well , it ai n't surprisin' , with 'is own wife callin' 'im a sinner , and tellin' 'im 'e ought to wash more …
19 A further general election in October of the same year gave him a majority of three .
20 In 1800 he became assistant to the latter , who at the same time gave him a post in the Office of Works as labourer in trust at Carlton House and also employed him in connection with his work as surveyor of the ordnance ; his first recorded works — minor country-house commissions in Staffordshire , of 1803–5 — were designed in James 's office for execution by the Wyatt family building business ; and in 1805 he submitted designs for Downing College , Cambridge , after those by James had been severely criticized by Thomas Hope [ q.v. ] , perhaps in an attempt to salvage the commission for the family .
21 In the second chapter of Philippians , a little bit before where we read , Paul 's describing the seriousness of the illness of his friend and companion , Ep Aproditus And even although he had written that the thought of his own death caused him no qualms whatever , when he was writing about his friend , Aproditus being at the point of death , he said , But God had mercy on him and not only upon him but on me also lest I should have sorrow on sorrow .
22 The expert will in most cases want each party to send him a written submission accompanied by copies of the documents referred to or relied on in the submission .
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