Example sentences of "[det] [vb -s] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And , given that an average presentation may require 20 to 30 of these , that represents a substantial investment .
2 That represents a great advance and we believe that , in the long term , something valuable will come of that .
3 I use the phrase ‘ She did not say ‘ Yes ’ she did not say ‘ No ’ and that represents a hazardous situation .
4 Of those just below forty thousand were solved … that represents a clear-up rate of roughly twenty percent … and that 's ten percent below the national average .
5 In official games , Platt has been on the mark twice in 13 appearances for the Italian giants and that represents a dramatic decline in his career ratio .
6 All that represents an impressive reversal .
7 That displays an arrogant contempt for the wishes of the majority .
8 That produces an average guideline increase of £2.08 a week , compared with £1.95 last year .
9 Despite their wealth , each receives a hefty cash handout from the Civil List .
10 However , each represents a recognisable stage of achievement , so that the student can build progressively towards a range of demanding and useful competences .
11 I have stated those two positions very crudely : in fact both are extremely complex and each represents a sophisticated view of the world .
12 Each represents a calculated angle which can be discriminated by a subject with normal vision at a specific distance ( 60 , 36 , 24,12 , 9 , or 6 metres from the chart ) .
13 She 's already described how she was able to think about wiping off fingerprints shortly after his death ; that denotes a cool customer who does n't often lose control .
14 This is not a symbiotic relationship because that involves a continuing separateness of identity throughout the period and process of partnership but it is an integrated relationship in which the enterprise — venture or project or more general association — is on a level of continued mutuality of interest and concern .
15 With great respect , to begin with , that involves a fundamental re-examination of this and other offences under the Theft Act .
16 Swing low , sweet Chariot is left unaccompanied , but that involves a disturbing oddity of pitching at the start .
17 In replication , the two strands separate ; then each re-forms a new copy of its original partner .
18 Each offers a different mixture , ranging from ambitious day cruising , through gentle local pottering to sizzling high speed catamaran sailing .
19 Each offers a unique atmosphere , from the grandeur of the Renaissance Palace at Stirling Castle to the intimacy of the Gallery at Aberdour Castle .
20 External regulation , at least in a form that applies to all citizens equally , is legitimate , but state intervention beyond that constitutes an illicit curtailment of individual freedom .
21 That imposes an automatic 3% price cut if the harvest overshoots the maximum guaranteed quantity of 160m tonnes .
22 Ooh if you have that beats a full house .
23 The Health and Safety at Work Act , that 's one line with nothing decided , that covers a vast array of tenants and individuals and regulations .
24 These procedures should be manag you know part of management consultation , not part of the Dave writes it , if he like says , well that 's what we 'll do for B E S , and then , and then I 'm told , oh , that 's what we do for B E S , I tell staff , and that causes a great deal of unrest in staff .
25 The most common beginner 's mistake is to sit too far aft in the boat and that causes a great wrist a tail of to come up from the trunk .
26 usually one person is elected to represent the voluntary sector but that places a heavy onus on that representative to liaise and consult with the other voluntary organisations .
27 Clark does not help his case by talking of the human ‘ subnormal ’ for it is a class , as we have seen , that manifests a wide range of distinctly human abilities .
28 Each catalyses a single reaction of a particular chemical , which is recognised by its shape .
29 And that concludes a small session for today .
30 The interpreter neither has a special location for undertaking analysis , nor a special method but the reflexive attention to the relation between communicative action and its content .
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