Example sentences of "[det] [was/were] [adv] as a " in BNC.

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1 This was largely as a consequence of his undoubted materialism , according to which all that exists is matter in motion .
2 This was largely as a result of Eliot 's own initiative ; and what we knew of it was derived from the works of Jacques Maritain , which were largely the source , I suspect , of Eliot 's own knowledge .
3 This was partly as a result of inherited policies , but was also because of the council 's desire ‘ to be seen to be doing something ’ to support its traditional political base of the skilled manual working class .
4 This was partly as a safety measure , but also as a result of a campaign by local councillors , who have been told about several near misses at Ruswarp .
5 This was all as a full-time member of staff .
6 The war was apparently in the way , but that was more as a result of misunderstanding than anything else .
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