Example sentences of "[det] [is] [vb pp] into the " in BNC.

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1 When this is fired into the slot in the lower ball it brings together the critical mass of Plutonium 239 in two millionths of a second .
2 When setting up a rack system , the connections are nearly always made from the back , and if a wireless system is used this is fed into the preamp 's rear input , although the front panel input invariably overrides this should you ever require the use of a lead .
3 This is built into the south wall about 50m east of the observation platform near Duddingston Loch .
4 Indeed , this is built into the statutory requirements for consideration in the issue of IPC authorisations .
5 And this is built into the heart of the system so you have a new nation being formed , a new political system being invented and it 's invented on the basis of two principles separation of powers and federalism .
6 On stage this is translated into the uncomfortable standing squat familiar from karate movies : knees splayed and bottom out .
7 In practical terms this is translated into the maxim ‘ get it in the bucket ’ , a rule of particular importance in ‘ one-off ’ rather than continuing pollutions , since there may only be one chance to sample .
8 The data from this is punched into the ORACLE database which physically resides at the lab ( a mile or so away ) , and hence can be pulled down the line to map , say aluminium levels and check water quality against EC regulations .
9 This is sunk into the stone some 30 feet below gallery level , and is also affected by powerful size-altering enchantments .
10 The glue sticks are pushed into the rear of the body chamber and as one is used another is fed into the gun , allowing a continuous supply of heated glue .
11 When a bar code is read , all that is fed into the computer system is the same number .
12 Just as its perspective gathers all that is extended to render it to the individual eye , so its means of representation render all that is depicted into the hands of the individual owner-spectator .
13 This is because the two components are so close together that they almost touch , and presumably gravitational strains mean that each is distorted into the shape of an egg .
14 No it , I think it actually runs on the sixteenth but it only looks at premiums up to the fifteenth , think that 's built into the , the , the parameters on it .
15 Also thanks for the stuff you sent me , Joo , about the origins of the list and the initial gang of seven that 's turned into the mob of 60 .
16 Two of those are being heated by burning blast furnace gas and the third one has the cold air blown through it and the brickwork inside gives up the heat to the er cold air , warms the air and then that 's blown into the blast furnace .
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