Example sentences of "[det] [is] [vb pp] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is composed of invaginations of the tergal , pleural and sternal regions of each thoracic segment .
2 Not much is known of Joseph Nettlefold 's personality .
3 However , it 's surprising that in on representative government utilitarianism barely surfaces and that almost no mention at all is made of utility apart from in a very general way .
4 No mention at all is made of sign language in the book , even though 82 per cent of deaf young people report its use while still at school ( Kyle and Allsop , 1982a ) .
5 Less is known of sign language grammar universals than of lexical similarities .
6 The death of Ecgberht and the emergence of a new king , Ealhmund , subsequently identified by a later Canterbury scribe ( ASC F , s.a. 784 ) as the father of Ecgberht ( ASC A , Preface ; s.a. 855 ) ; ( see Appendix , Fig. 3 ) , king of the West Saxons ( 802–39 ) , was probably what led to this renewed involvement , for nothing more is heard of Ealhmund nor did any successor to him appear in Kent , even as subregulus .
7 Obscure as they often are , more is known of Cnut 's foreign relations than his later years in England .
8 Writing and reporting skills are now much more sophisticated than even five years ago , and much more is expected of nurses and health visitors in completing documentation , preparing care plans and relating progress and evaluation reports , and in providing background reports for the information and assistance of other health professionals .
9 If a class teacher is unduly censorious about reading difficulties or if a parent who , in school , listens to children reading but shows impatience , all that is required of management is the gentle touch .
10 Initially , all that is required of volunteers is for them to go along to a clinic where a small sample of blood is taken .
11 Down country lanes , through forty shades of green — an Ireland that is cleansed of guns and death
12 First , ‘ payment by results ’ demeaned education and reduced it to a mere cramming exercise in which all that is expected of pupils is a capacity for recall .
13 All that is known of Larkin 's domestic life derives from the parish registers of St Anne 's , Blackfriars , where between 1612 and 1615 the baptisms and burials of three of his children are recorded , and from his will , in which he mentioned his wife and young daughter , both named Mary .
14 In April 1988 , Swan Hunters Ltd , which includes all that is left of Tyne shipbuilding , had some 3000 employees .
15 I agree that they are important , but I am concerned that so little is made of freight .
16 ‘ Very little is asked of audiences . ’
17 Little is known of Brooke 's family .
18 Little is known of Aenarion 's early life .
19 Little is known of Aenarion 's quest to the Blighted Isle .
20 ‘ It is unfortunate that so little is known of Carlisle , Luguvalium ( Carvetiorum ? ) , although it seems to have grown to considerable size and may have exceeded 70 acres ( 28 ha ) . ’
21 Little is known of Peter 's early career .
22 Little is known of Esther Lewis 's early life or education , except that her interest in literature was probably stimulated by her father , who was an antiquarian with a particular interest in heraldry .
23 Little is known of eruptions there , but there may have been one in the last decade , since sets of aerial photographs of the island taken many years apart show some slight changes .
24 Little is known of Cameron 's subsequent activities , except for a series of financial differences with his father , until he is recorded in 1779 as being established in St Petersburg at the court of Catherine the Great .
25 Little is known of Alice 's long widowhood : she lived in retirement in East Newton , noted for her charitable and religious activities , and supervised the education and marriages of her children .
26 Little is known of Herle 's character and qualities and comments tend to be coloured by financial altercations .
27 Little is known of Francis Wright 's early years , but in 1830 , on the retirement of his father , he became the senior partner in Butterley , which he dominated for the next forty-three years .
28 Little is known of Cavendish 's life .
29 HEARD about the Skoda that 's made of concrete and runs on uranium ?
30 ‘ It 's strange to think that pile of tapes is all that 's left of Nicola 's life , is n't it ? ’
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