Example sentences of "[det] [to-vb] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , the blaze did little to counteract the wintry draughts blowing into the room through the unshuttered windows , some strong enough to stir the heavy tapestries covering the stone walls .
2 Does the Secretary of State agree that until now , there has been little to encourage the new democracies of central and eastern Europe to change their minds about the EC being a rich man 's club ?
3 Water gardening is unlike any other kind of gardening , for when planting a pool the gardener is creating a whole new underwater world in which plants , fish and snails depend upon one another to provide the basic requirements necessary for their continued existence .
4 Regards to link , that 's the linkage on the bottom , as an essential and important element in the overall package , a request , I 'm abbreviating this to give the main points , request the County Council to consult this Council at an early stage upon the detailed design of the access road and wants , and they 're really repeating , wants the County Council to implement in its entirety the access road at the earliest possible date .
5 As Daubney felt that the box reeked of death , Ted decided to bum Aubrey 's old armchair and replace it with another to remove the visible signs of the tragedy .
6 For this to take the appropriate forms in the particular cases of longitudinal and lateral correlations ,
7 At first she used a more rigid approach , along the lines of her training in Coburg , then gradually adapted and developed this to suit the English students who were not quite so young and athletic as their German counterparts !
8 All are designed to convert pre-existing contractual rights and obligations to net monetary rights and obligations , which may be set off against one another to produce the net sums referred to above .
9 Locking the gates , however , could do little to reverse the social trends which the dazibao complained of .
10 Such advice did little to counter the practical problems of cost .
11 The suggestion is that to sell the extra bills and bonds to fund a high PSBR , interest rates must rise to attract investors .
12 The world has much to thank the Chinese ancients for , do n't you agree ? "
13 EDITH CRESSON , scourge of the English male and the Japanese export , has gone , but it is unlikely that her successor can do much to revive the flagging fortunes of the French Socialist Party .
14 But the contrast would seem at least as much to reflect the differing circumstances and attitudes of the times about which each was writing and in which each lived .
15 I could not help feeling proud of the missionary personnel who had done so much to help the fleeing refugees at Shwebo , Mohnyin and Myitkyina , and elsewhere .
16 Information that has now come to light about the political gulags and the Gestapo tactics of the secret police has certainly done much to underline the totalitarian essences of even the ‘ soft ’ regimes .
17 The way forward could only be through a measure of government intervention and inevitably it provoked at the time and in its later consequences , or lack of them , sharp controversy which did much to form the particular arguments reformers used to articulate their basic ideological assumptions .
18 Hasan hunched over the wheel of his car with a great effort of concentration , swinging it this way and that to avoid the atrocious pot-holes .
19 This , in turn , weakened both the Republicans in exile ( who , in any case , were bitterly divided among themselves ) and those in Spain ( who , moreover , could do little to avoid the repressive clutches of the regime ) .
20 The social scientist , equipped with powerfully zooming lenses , not to mention other specially designed equipment , is confident of taking more accurate pictures , and uses these to interpret the obscure images of the unfortunate .
21 Neither Tyrrell driver stopped and , while the brown paint scheme did little to flatter the Honda-powered cars , it was reliability that mattered most , Stefano Modena and Satoru Nakajima taking fourth and fifth places .
22 Similar charitable schemes outside London were equally ineffective , yet still the COS and its associates refused to co-operate with local authorities in establishing larger schemes , despite the capacity and willingness of the latter to put the charitable funds to more effective use in such necessary activities as road-building .
23 Erm , the kid 's got to figure out if it 's going to use that to project the other sentences then it might come across it 's got to , it 's got ta decompose that into structure .
24 The general conclusions are that to reduce the negative side-effects of intergroup competition , an organization would need to :
25 Technology and applied science have done much more to alleviate the worst effects of nature by providing help against , for instance , floods , storms , diseases , droughts , infertile soils and long distances .
26 There were some undertakings still charging only ½d. ( or even , in a few cases , ⅓d. ) per additional kWh to domestic users after the War , and ½d. was not even enough to pay for the coal needed to generate that amount of electricity in the majority of the power stations they were then using , far less to pay the other costs of supply .
27 May organisations take part in this annual event , including Canadian Clubs , British and American Clubs , Scottish/American Clubs and many more to honour the young men who dies while serving at Flying Training Schools at Riddle Field , Clewiston and Carlstrom Field , Arcadia .
28 This would solve many of the party 's difficulties inherited from the past , but it would do little to settle the pressing problems of the present and future .
29 The external reality does little to allay the phantasied anxieties .
30 So she told him she had to keep enough to feed the little giblets .
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