Example sentences of "[det] [subord] it [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah but you just put this if it says joystick er
2 I enjoyed doing this because it took people by surprise .
3 Did Purcell start with this because it needed revision and transposition before it could be published ?
4 Public prosecutor Andrei Makarov declared afterwards that it had been significant " not so much because it punished Ostashvili , but because it brought to light the forces standing behind this small figure and exposed the fascism which is growing in society " .
5 Problem solving can require ideas as much as it does information .
6 The Church of the Latter Day Saints abhors divorce and abortion as much as it does alcohol and caffeine .
7 I remember he once told me not to move the head too much as it weighs 22lbs .
8 Quite independent of the way higher education may be funded , there is a need for higher education institutions to rethink their role and function just as much as it behoves industry , commerce and the public services .
9 Britain needs chemists as much as it needs doctors and as a result there will be high employment prospects for chemistry graduates in the future .
10 One thing about him that was widely known was the fact that he was a businessman , and so it was as such that he was welcomed ; the party could even claim some credit for being the first to elect a businessman as its leader — much as it claimed credit in 1975 for electing a woman , although Margaret Thatcher had certainly not been chosen for that reason .
11 When this scheme was unveiled , it terrified laymen ( including many Tory MPs ) almost as much as it infuriated doctors .
12 It can not have pleased Kimon , the Spartans ' friend , any more than it pleased politicians of more obviously radical complexion .
13 He reached the milestone in just under three years — but his 109 matches were five more than it took Lewis Jones , of Leeds , to hit the same target in the 1950s .
14 Literature does not copy language any more than it copies reality .
15 It also put an end to any enjoyment of the meal , because Marguerite seemed to sink into a gloomy silence that worried Jenna far more than it did Alain .
16 What concerned him more than it did George was that the child would be a boy .
17 And secondly , I think the second one is exactly the same as it stands Madam Chairman .
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