Example sentences of "[det] [vb base] [adv prt] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Because he 's articulate he 's often perceived as a serious intellectual who thinks out every step and nuance of Smashing Pumpkins , but he 's actually quite aware of the stupidity of rock star posturing and this come out in self-deprecation .
2 The Home Office has commissioned research from Professor Graham Davies of Leicester University who says it focuses on four key areas : observing how tapes are used in court and how children stand up under cross-examination ; tracking how many tapes are made and how many end up in court ; discovering the views of lawyers , judges , social workers , police who use the tapes ; and judging the memorandum 's influence over how recordings are made and questions asked .
3 Now today , cos they all , and all come over in container , refrigerated containers .
4 ( 1 ) A registered club may apply to the sheriff for any one of the following orders : ( a ) an order providing that during the winter period the permitted hours in the club on weekdays shall not be those set out in section 53(3) of this Act , but shall instead be the period between eleven in the morning and two in the afternoon and the period between four and half-past ten in the evening or alternatively be the said periods on weekdays other than Saturday , and on Saturday be the period between one in the afternoon and half-past ten in the evening ; or ( b ) an order providing that during the winter period the permitted hours in the club on Sundays shall not be those set out in the said section 53(3) , but shall instead be the period between half-past twelve and two in the afternoon and the period between four and nine in the evening ; or ( c ) an order which contains both the aforesaid provisions ; and the sheriff shall , if in his opinion the conditions set out in subsection ( 2 ) below are satisfied , make the order applied for .
5 In the final quarter of the year , it surged and closed at its high of 330p , 24.5% up on the 30th September level ; this was more than twice what the FT 100 Share Index achieved and reflected investor enthusiasm for a group that is seen as a prime beneficiary of any pick up in advertising , has bags of room to take on new business ( 25% unutilised capacity on its magazine presses ) and is cash rich .
6 They 're sending them out to bookshops all over the country … thousands have already been sold , and the way things are at the moment there does n't look like any let up in sight .
7 A huge steel crane hook suddenly descended quietly between their faces and made them both leap back in alarm .
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