Example sentences of "[det] [vb past] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For example , the tin-glazed pottery made in Europe from the Renaissance onwards was produced in many styles : that made in the Low Countries ( known as Delftware ) is of a specific range and type which varies from one production centre to another and is different again from the maiolica of Italy and the lustreware of Spain .
2 He confirms the analysis of western society given in Chapter 2 : " The problem for most RE teachers is … that the minds of the pupils are tightly closed against the possibility that reality might plausibly be seen in any other way than that transmitted via the dominant culture . "
3 The store will be quite separate from that planned by the Central Electricity Generating Board to house spent nuclear fuel before it is reprocessed .
4 The European market for acetate filament yarn is expected to shrink slightly during 1993 — disappointing but not such a blow as that experienced during the last two years which saw the market in Europe tumble from 40,000 tons to 30,000 .
5 But it remains the case that the current rate of increase in unemployment is considerably lower than that experienced in the early part of last year . ’
6 Generally , these policies were successful in preventing heavy unemployment like that experienced in the 1930s , but unfortunately they tended to give rise to the phenomenon known as ‘ stop-go ’ .
7 If it is assumed that the expected volume of output is roughly equal to that experienced in the previous year , , then the higher is , the greater will gross investment tend to be .
8 That led to the Hundred Years War , and in the summer of 1346 , Edward III landed in Normandy and that led to the battle of Crecy on 26th .
9 That led to the Royal arms we know today — England or Scotland in the first and fourth quarters , Ireland in the third quarter and Scotland or England in the second .
10 Well when there is a criminal case does that got to the Islamic or
11 That coupled with an away win over Connacht champions Mayo was a timely boost for morale .
12 That amounted to a separate and independent cause of action .
13 In addition there were regional and county federations : by 1901 these had risen to thirty-six , with each centred on a major town to enable the stronger , urban Councils to help the weaker , rural ones .
14 If the transferred employee insists on moving into bigger or more ‘ up market ’ accommodation , the excess mortgage allowance is based on the price of housing comparable with that owned in the old area .
15 The debts shown in the Accounts relating to the Business ( less the amount of any provision or reserve calculated on the same basis as that applied in the corresponding accounts for the preceding three financial years ) were good and collectable in full in the ordinary course of business and have or will realise the net amount thereof .
16 After participation in the CU , and the adoption by the CU of CET against non-members equal to that applied by the domestic economy before the union , then the commodity will be imported from the union partner .
17 It is difficult to believe these comments refer to the same Report as that evaluated in a balanced leader in the Independent ( 16 November 1988 ) under the headline ‘ A blow for literacy ’ .
18 It was found that the palaeomagnetism of young rocks tended to be close to that expected from the present magnetic field , but older rocks showed marked deviations .
19 Is that agreed as a fair way of proceeding ?
20 Breathlessness , cough , sputum , abdominal discomfort , and fatigue were each rated on a five point scale ranging from none to very severe , and a summary score was calculated as the average of these five symptoms .
21 There were fears that if the date for stabilisation was altered from that promised in a recent government white paper , the privatisation of the electricity industry would be jeopardised .
22 C ) r74(1–517) ( circles ) and r74(1–435) ( squares ) was each titrated against the fixed amount of r30 and resulting transcripts were quantitated by an image analyzer ( Fuji BAS2000 ) and expressed as an arbitrary unit .
23 But it failed to recognize that the challenge of running an individual company was very different to that posed by a large public organization with a multiplicity of purposes whose owners were n't shareholders but taxpayers who felt entitled to demand access to those things the nation already owned .
24 In fact , those who support the introduction of a Bill of Rights tend to see the state in essentially " negative " terms : it is regarded as the only real threat to individual freedom and liberty ( apart from that posed by the collective activity of trade unions ) because freedom itself is defined negatively as simply involving an absence of public and legal restraint on individual action .
25 If it does the alternative of a statutory limit on hours of work similar to that proposed by the European Commission would destroy any semblance of manpower control just as surely as Field 's proposals .
26 By the early twentieth century , paleontologists were promoting a coherent model of evolution that differed significantly from that proposed by the early Darwinians .
27 The first of these men was Victor Raúl Haya de la Torre , founder of the Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana ( APRA ) , who initially established contact with the Comintern and whose model was in fact not dissimilar to that proposed by the Soviet theorists , although he differed greatly on questions of strategy and tactics .
28 Mobutu had intended that the Assembly , made up largely of members of his Mouvement populaire de la révolution ( MPR ) , should draft an alternative constitution to that proposed by the national conference in September [ see p. 39082-83 ] .
29 They were gaudy and sexually suggestive and each tailored to the individual characteristics of the woman to be wed .
30 The majority of the early tickets , those produced during the last four decades of the seventeenth century , incorporated imagery similar to that found on the printed affidavits .
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