Example sentences of "[det] [modal v] only [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 This should only be operated on the specific request of ATC .
2 Although some doctors may recommend putting a board under the mattress , this should only be done in an emergency .
3 Again , this should only be done if the new entity has some meaning in itself .
4 As de Gaulle wanted , this should only be developed on the basis of unanimous agreements , with a new Commission being created in Paris , made up of national civil servants , not officials loyal to European institutions .
5 This should only be carried out by a professional repairer as special equipment and experience in dealing with severely warped necks is required .
6 This should only be entered by LIFESPAN during the approval process .
7 They can also be used to induce the birth of kids , but plainly this must only be done when the kids are due .
8 Lord Osborne told the accused that it was a very serious offence and the happy feature of the case was that the baby had apparently not suffered very much at all in the long term — and this could only be seen as a miracle .
9 This could only be achieved if foreigners could rely upon the stability of the rouble , which made it essential to maintain a favourable balance of payments and avoid a budget deficit .
10 There seemed only one way for the Druids to prevent their imminent destruction , and that was to ensure that the army never came within reach of them ; this could only be achieved either by strong enough resistance in the mountains of north-west Wales or by a serious insurrection deep within the Province .
11 The first , Phan Boi Chau , believed that the French had to be removed — and that this could only be achieved through armed struggle .
12 Again this could only be achieved by teamwork , the medical component as important as all the others .
13 Sir Nicolas Browne-Wilkinson V-C said that this could only be achieved by an oral examination of the witnesses .
14 This could only be achieved through the support of the chairperson and headteacher .
15 The " Coalition for Vehicle Choice " argues that this could only be achieved by the production of smaller and lighter cars , which it claims can be less safe in crashes than bigger ones .
16 This could only be detected and corrected by the user .
17 In reply to Trevelyan 's comments about this land being sufficient for the new building , Hall made the astonishing remark that this could only be determined after the plans were sent in by the competing architects .
18 and Otton J. ) affirmed his acquittal by the Crown Court ( which had allowed an appeal against conviction by justices ) on the ground that the defendant , when required to give blood , had raised an objection capable of amounting to a medical reason why blood should not be taken and that this could only be determined by a medical practitioner .
19 If Charlemagne strove to achieve the regeneration and salvation of the society over which he ruled , this could only be done in association with the clergy .
20 The new cereals were capable of doubling or trebling the produce of a cultivated hectare but this could only be done by investing in a package of changes .
21 If there was a widespread desire to alter the degree of influence exercised by Parliament and to make the life of a backbench MP an attractive prospect in its own right for public-spirited men and if this could only be done by the acceptance of some new countervailing powers , this would be no harder for successive governments than , for example , accepting the limitations involved in joining the Common Market .
22 This could only be done by the Trustees , as members could not afford to fund entirely .
23 Furthermore , it was felt that the potential costs of providing the necessary microfilming equipment , plus additional staff time , would outweigh any benefits gained , particularly as this could only be regarded as an interim solution before progressing to greater computerisation .
24 Attitudinist and intuitionist agree that this could only be denied through the naturalistic fallacy .
25 Under the revised law on citizenship , this could only be lost by citizens at their own request .
26 For the second approach this could only be answered by asking another , deeper , question : why did geographical change take place at that period at all ?
27 But as Syrup points out this could only be called ‘ minimal ’ though it was not retrogressive .
28 There had been some plants under construction for wartime-approved purposes , but in 1945 itself only 170MW of new plant had been completed , and in 1946 this could only be increased to 288MW and in 1947 to 340MW .
29 But although Mr Redwood agreed to allow the West German competition authorities special rights to look at sensitive mergers , he obtained a commitment from the Council of Ministers that this could only be used ‘ in exceptional circumstances ’ .
30 But for N. lapillus , which does not grow as an adult ( p. 307 ) , this could only be used for immatures .
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