Example sentences of "[det] [conj] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In addition to this and partially as a result of it , there is little in the way of national planning ’ .
2 The Faculty Office or the Schools Liaison Office will be pleased to advise on this and also upon an appropriate choice of sixth year subjects , particularly where students have marginally failed to meet the entry requirements at the first sitting of Highers .
3 The timetable will need to be agreed with court officials and will be affected by this and also by the fact that petitions are usually only heard on Mondays .
4 Other works from this and even from the earlier phase will be discussed in the last section of this chapter , on relief and architectural sculpture , since that is the area in which the formation of the ripe archaic style can most clearly be traced .
5 And if you look back at the minutes and then Yona I think she 's great as the secretary because she does n't let anything go but on the other hand she 's pretty informal about and the way th that over the weeks you know somebody er Julie or June or Mervia Ann come up with the suggestion that they maybe feel why do n't we do this and then by the next week it 's turned into a a rally or a big picket or or a record .
6 He was rewarded for this and more with a Bulgarian sentence of death and a British MBE .
7 It transpires that the new tenant is Pris , one of the androids Deckard is hunting ( though John does not realise this until later in the story ) The presence of Pris excites him a great deal .
8 Cases may be transferred from one family proceedings court to another and also to a county court care centre and ultimately the High Court in certain circumstances .
9 However , while we all have our national stereotypes , and they are invariably supported by research ( see Hofstede ) , the underlying differences from one country to another and also within a country are much more subtle .
10 During the first three millennia BC , two of the main concentrations of political power of the day , the Assyrian empire and Babylonia , lived in a state of near-permanent warfare , first with one another and then with the Persian kingdom of Elam , which at different times captured both Babylon and Ur and was itself in about 1100 BC laid waste by the Assyrians .
11 Oh there was quite a few and then on the other side there was er , the old reading room where the erm er , building society is it now , what 's there ?
12 Churchill himself was interested not only in this but also in the wider implications of nuclear developments in the 1950s .
13 Dear Horace , I think I may be a bit late with this as here in the antipodes , and especially being some way down a circulation list , your column takes some weeks to reach me .
14 In any event , we have stressed that the perceptions relate as much or more to the informal context within which teachers and advisory staff work as to formal procedures .
15 Often a solicitor will know as much or more about the history of local land as anyone .
16 Not so much that here on a fine June morning a man lay murdered , but that he , Wexford , had found him .
17 Ryan Giggs has achieved nearly as much as Best at the same age .
18 He feared that a management buy-out would leave things on the shop floor very much as before with the ‘ them ’ and ‘ us ’ of workers and managers .
19 Radishes : best sown little and often as a catch crop among other vegetables .
20 like that and eventually with the help of my mum I could join sentences together to make a real piece of writing .
21 On the question of staff turnover erm on the saving advertising I think that reflects th the drop of staff turnover over the years and there is a budget which is an historical budget against that and clearly in the current situation less staff are leaving like that erm so that 's one of these .
22 Let me just give you a little illustration that might help , you know in thinking of the erm the fusion of the divinity , the divine nature and the human nature , erm is it Clarke Kent , is that the guys name on television , you know the character , you know the guy that walks around you know he 's the boy next door type figure with glasses and all the rest of it , he 's no macho figure that and then in a transformation take place and woof goes flying through the air does n't he , what is he , he 's Batman is n't he
23 And er we used to all do that and then in the week in the weekday
24 They played that and then in the in the and in the evening there was a great lot of er dambor playing if you ken what that is ?
25 Can I say Chairman on on this report of the policy of the old policy and resources committee on the internal management of local authorities that was a very important issue because it 's I all issues are important but in particular the the seal the report is to inform the council of comments which the policy and resources committee has agreed to make the association of county councils on the recommendation of the joint working party on the internal management of local authority Now I 'm sure you , you 've waded through the report at least some of the during the last er week or so that er that you 've had it well I would advise you to turn to page thirty and thirty one because there 's lot eas and it 'll make life easier for you , if you do that and there on the bottom half of page thirty you will see the decisions of the policy and resources committee .
26 And we believe we already offer that , I think the figures indicate that and therefore in the medium and the longer term I believe that our attractions will undoubtedly benefit and I would finally say that if you er , go back and look at the history of Disney in America , after the establishment of Disney Parks in America there was a big improvement in extension of the amusement parks in the rest of America which er , the traditional theme parks , so called , in America grew in the period after the establishment of Disney Land in California and I think a similar sort of thing is going to happen , not perhaps just in this country er , but also in Europe generally .
27 But I 'm not gon na worry about that until halfway through the week and then I 'll write to them .
28 That because I 've used those before not for golfing or anything like that but just as a general map of reference or
29 Crime they say does n't pay , well you may have your own views on that but certainly across the breadth of variety of criminal activity we might agree that crime almost always hurt someone , more or less , we have a system designed to cope with the effects of crime and to deter future criminals , but it does n't seem to be making crime a thing of the past , so how good are we at dealing with crime , tonight 's hundred women have a broad range of experience as victims , law women , perpetrators , police and others , we 'll be hearing their views on the system and how it might be changed and asking why are we all so fascinated by fictional crime from Cell Block H to Agatha Christie .
30 And would they still get the income support after that but still at a reduced rate or not ?
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