Example sentences of "[det] [conj] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It would be a great help to all our officers in planning future strategies ( and probably of considerable interest to you ) if you could enlist the help of your class members to complete the enclosed survey ( either by photocopying the form and filling in one each or by a show of hands and entering the total numbers ) Please let Pat Palmer have the results at or before the Reunion on 19th November .
2 If things had happened differently he , Lewis , would be living in a house like this or in a flat in central London with a cottage in the country as well .
3 Most authorities lacked such a committee before this except in a shadow , non-statutory form within the majority party caucus .
4 It follows from this that in a recognition test subjects will find it extremely difficult to distinguish one of the early sentences in a passage from similar sentences which mean the same .
5 Like this and with a flap
6 Ignoring the bargaining strengths of both parties , there is no clear reason why a vendor should be willing to agree to this and as a matter of practice should establish the order of priority of satisfaction of liabilities within the terms and conditions of the sale agreement .
7 They had forgotten to tell the rest of my body about this and as a result I slumped out of Armstrong , hitting the road with my right shoulder , having just remembered in time not to break my fall with my hand .
8 Research has invariably failed to recognize this and as a consequence failed to approach its task in an explicitly neutral and scientific way , i.e. to account for the nature and incidence of particular forms of adult/child interactions and their consequences .
9 Finally , the multimedia system would have an altogether different view , this time of a body of text embedded throughout with handles linking text segments to one another and to a range of externally stored texts , images , and recordings .
10 So he persuades his man with a natural talent for the proper administration of worldly affairs that to neglect this because of a preoccupation with spiritual meditation could be unwise .
11 We know this because of a telegram sent by Kirk at 2300 hrs that night to the State Department in Washington , asking " urgently " for advice [ KP 107 ] .
12 ‘ Guys like Stefan and Boris will be more pumped up for that than for a preparation tournament . ’
13 Dickens 's Will Fern , with first-hand knowledge of life inside one , complains of this female tendency : ‘ It looks well in a picter , I 've heerd say ; but there a n't weather in picters , and maybe ‘ t is fitter for that than for a place to live in . ’
14 He opened the door but the dimness inside was such that for a moment he could see little ; then , as his eyes accommodated , he saw Maurice standing , pressed against the far wall as though he wanted to vanish through it .
15 The hospital staff have the skills to care for these patients such that after a month or two their behaviour improves and they become suitable for private care .
16 Donlevy ‘ lorded it over everybody else ’ and exasperated Ray Milland so much that during a fencing sequence , Milland aimed for an unpadded spot on Donlevy , managing to draw blood .
17 The Convention is confined to international financial leasing , that is , to leasing which in economic terms is equivalent to a sale or purchase-money loan , the equipment being leased to a single lessee at whose request it was bought and the rentals being fixed not by reference to the use-value of the equipment as such but at a level which , taking into account cash-flows , tax-reliefs , and the like , will guarantee to the lessor the reim-bursement of his capital costs and desired return on capital .
18 Of the 53 farmers ( 35% ) who chose evenings for the 3 hour course , 21 ( 40% ) agreed that they might not gain full benefit from an evening course and 32 ( 60% ) felt that they would gain as much as from a day time course .
19 I said , he eats about a as much as much as like a corn packet !
20 Er he wants two two or three coaches for this and that and for a special to Liverpool you see , he 'd need it later that afternoon .
21 However , a spring sowing of such seed will produce some plants , though the number will be fewer than from a summer sowing .
22 At first it was quite nice attending interviews and things like that but after a while they all just become the same .
23 The questions which must be asked are : i Do specialist multi-agency dementia teams provide a model for the planning and provision of domiciliary day and respite care for all or for a proportion of the sufferers in a community ?
24 At Tesco we have now started to use foam packaging , such as meat trays , which has been produced either without CFCs at all or with a CFC which is far less damaging to the Ozone layer .
25 ‘ I hope he 's not overdoing it , all that after a day 's work , ’ Terry said .
26 Robert Owen is not to be understood at all except as a man of his time , of the French Political and the British Industrial Revolutions ; nor fully to be understood except as a man of the first stage of the Industrial Revolution .
27 On the other hand , I 've been as happy as a turkey in January , and all because of a story I spotted in a medical magazine , stating that regular lashings of oily fish cut sharply your chances of having a heart attack .
28 It 's all because of a computer error at the Cheltenham based University Central Council on Admissions .
29 A holiday , which was n't going to happen because a travel firm went bust , has now been saved … all because of a chance conversation in a car-park .
30 And that is how the Charge of the Light Brigade , the most celebrated and glorious calamity in British military history came about — all because of a failure in the effective use of grammar to make an appropriate connection with context .
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