Example sentences of "[det] [conj] [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Erm but in the meantime those are the first essays I can er erm are you erm , working on that or thinking about that ?
2 Under this system prisoners could work together and use the same dormitories , but they were forbidden to speak to one another or communicate in any other way ; they were , therefore , under constant close surveillance day and night .
3 And there they 'd be chatting across to one another or come to each others ' doors and h you know pass time of day having a little chat about one thing and another .
4 That 's all it comes by is human learning , and you 're neglecting that , you say , that is you are n't developing a learning society and you 're going to pay for this and pay for this and pay for this , you see , and your children will pay for it , your grandchildren will pay for it , you see , just what you 're doing to the educational system , what you 're doing to the universities and you 're so far behind from what erm most other modern countries are .
5 I knew exactly how I would do this and explained in some detail , finding Alec Reid equally fascinated .
6 Because I mean we 've helped you with this and helping with that anyway .
7 Agrees with so and so and agrees with this and agrees with that .
8 That 's all it comes by is human learning , and you 're neglecting that , you say , that is you are n't developing a learning society and you 're going to pay for this and pay for this and pay for this , you see , and your children will pay for it , your grandchildren will pay for it , you see , just what you 're doing to the educational system , what you 're doing to the universities and you 're so far behind from what erm most other modern countries are .
9 Alternatively , it may appear too acrobatic or athletic because the choreographer has been so concerned with the turning of the pages of a picture book that there is no explanation why one picture follows another and leads to another and yet another until the curtain falls .
10 Some of the larger local authorities , as we have seen , are now appointing specialist advisers to the chief executive 's office , or even to the leader of the council , who can give advice divorced from the service-providing departments , but such posts are few and regarded with some suspicion by mainstream local government officers .
11 Erm printed in the official copy for this but left off this copy were the names , also the Reverend of Glangothwyn and the Reverend Victor of Hamwell Erm does anybody else wish to make any comments on the minutes of .
12 Andy is a street-wise ex-cop , with a blunt , no-nonsense approach that is offensive to some but appreciated by many .
13 It is not particularly surprising that Coleman , a redoubtable big fish in a very small pond , although giving great attention to his early cases , later assumed a sometimes unjustified confidence , and came to believe , or at least teach , that the diseases of the horse were few as compared to those of man , and that he could carry all the drugs necessary for veterinary practice in his waistcoat pocket .
14 But that that goes through that goes to chiller wo n't it .
15 We feel that the development that we admit is necessary , can comfortably be spread around the constituent authorities and we 've heard nothing I I would submit that that that that that goes against that .
16 The US Federal Trade Commission 's investigation of Microsoft Corp has had an air of unreality about it , with few people imagining that it will come to anything very much or lead to any significant change in the market , but now that the thing may be coming to a climax , what are the possible outcomes ?
17 I may not so much as glance at all those handsome courtiers ! ’
18 The observer was asked to move through the wood of his choice at a fixed speed , dividing the time spent into units of 10 minutes each and recording for each 10-minute period all the birds seen or heard , normally within a band of 50 yards ( 46 metres ) from the observer .
19 Now some of you in the room , believe it or not , will be happy to hit that and sit at that .
20 Well those that are there can do that and contribute to some extent .
21 Do you want er , me to get the coat out and that and pay for that separate or ?
22 had a farm at and they sold that and moved to that one .
23 The danger is that we look back to that and think of that .
24 All that mattered to these people was to kill ; how they did so had little significance .
25 And I suppo I mean all that happened with that particular one was a couple of erm of er black black I think they were youth workers , I 'm not actually sure .
26 All that remained of this important bastion were three long sections of the massive walls , now only twenty-five feet high .
27 All that remained after that was to continue the treatment until the lesions calcified .
28 I can remember quite vividly the old tramcars running there er day and night , with the last service leaving the outskirts of Edinburgh around about er twelve er eleven thirty and you g have about ten minutes or so to reach the depots which there were many and varied at this particular time .
29 She had hoped and expected to find the Garden Tower all but deserted at such a late hour , with the two guards half asleep in the guardchamber on the ground floor .
30 This may be achieved with careful allocation of charge codes to users for reserving module names ( there is no harm in having many as opposed to few charge codes ) , and use of the LIFESPAN database management facilities like offline and module version deletion .
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