Example sentences of "[det] [pron] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now if you get a situation like that I mean the key question is do people actually want to change in this kind of way , or would they at least like to sort of experiment a little bit in the way they handle a group of children ?
2 After that I swept the pock-marked linoleum , and then washed it , working from the far corner under the bed right round the angle to the door , backing along on my knees .
3 That someone crossed the frozen moat and , using the steps in the wall , climbed up to Sir Ralph 's chamber .
4 So , it was , it was , I , a as soon as I knew I 'd be teaching this I thought the only way
5 In view of this I make the following suggestion .
6 As I failed to do this I spent the entire journey staring intently at the zip of my coat and at least I learned a lot about clothes fastenings that morning .
7 In this I had the enthusiastic support of the Prime Minister who believed that the state scheme should be replaced by individual private pension provision with a minimum compulsory requirement .
8 Yes but , you see when I try to buy some I think the frozen fish is , shop in Woodbridge is silly , damn silly place anyway !
9 It is this which offers the greatest challenge to a photographer .
10 It is this which offers the greatest challenge to a photographer .
11 It was an attitude like this which made the individual transfer to community relations in the first place , as all those in Easton 's Community Relations Unit did , one even from the Traffic Branch .
12 When depreciation is deducted from gross investment , we have what is called net investment and it is this which measures the true addition to the country 's capital stock during the year .
13 This continually recurring disharmony Marx attributes to the nature of class relations , and it is this which produces the forward movement of history .
14 It is this which produces the combined bracing of the right foot , leg and hip which produces the wound-up spring resistance at the top .
15 It was this which led the following day to Eighth Army 's request for authorization to negotiate with the Soviets for a hand-over , " on advice Macmillan " , and which led to Robertson 's order from AFHQ later that day for negotiations to begin .
16 Exactly how zoos are expected to dispose of their lar gibbons is not clear , and it is this which concerns the International Primate Protection League ( IPPL ) .
17 There is a kind of innocence about this which makes the modern reader , coming upon it all sixty years after the event , squirm with embarrassment .
18 It is this which makes the next section of Simmel 's work so difficult to accept , in that it appears to work so deeply against the grain of modern consciousness .
19 It may be this which signals the high-water mark of Oswiu 's intervention in Pictland , analogous to his activities in Mercia in the three years after Penda 's death , and it does not imply an obvious community of interest between Oswiu and the sons of Donuel .
20 It is this which suggests the secondary level .
21 Second , for any possible world we can reasonably expect to be able to find another which resembles the actual world to the same degree .
22 In this you have the dividing line between business and non-business ; the one is master and depends on profits , the other is servant and depends on salary . ‘
23 It is men like this who created the MX-5 in 1989 .
24 It is men like this who created the MX-5 in 1989 .
25 He says that there may be a few who go the long way around , but not many .
26 Although other idealistic communities were already being established in America at that period , few who saw the Pantisocratic scheme in its early growth were ever convinced that it could succeed .
27 There were a privileged few who made the Grand Tour to complete their education and seek out Europe 's art treasures , but travelling for pleasure was not an accepted part of life as it is in Western industrialized countries today .
28 Pride in the nation 's system of government , once shared by all , has degenerated into complacency about its superiority , believed only by the few who exercise the near despotic powers that its outmoded forms have given them .
29 This is a topic that some who visit the elderly find extremely boring , just as others find it fascinating .
30 I may have been out of the arena for a while , but I daresay there are still some who remember the old gladiator . ’
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