Example sentences of "[det] [prep] the same [adj] " in BNC.

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1 While some of the same satirical zest is evident in The Bed Sitting Room ( 1969 ) , Lester 's chronicle of a post-holocaust world where a stunned Ralph Richardson imagines he is turning into a bedsitter and a doctor tries to keep the old traditions alive by having someone read the BBC News , and the film shows evidence of a superabundant imagination , the narrative is too unfocused for the satirical barbs to hit home , and the result is often tedious to watch .
2 In fact the Dutch face some of the same administrative problems in achieving change that beset other European countries , principally in the lack of a system for municipal co-ordination .
3 Now , in 1922 , some of the same rich peasants were making a reappearance together with newly prosperous ones .
4 These works of Picasso 's produce , too , some of the same spatial sensation that is conveyed by Braque 's .
5 It held for him some of the same hubristic impermanence and , even as he gazed , he half expected it to bend and sway .
6 If authoritarian welfare states fulfilled these atavistic needs in the Neolithic , there is every reason to believe that they could still do so today ; and certainly there is much evidence to show that modern police states , far from merely fulfilling some of the same psychological functions , even mimic their Neolithic forerunners in the details of their ritual and symbolism , and certainly seem to evolve their own thorough-going political religions .
7 Living side by side with them in those forests are a great many extremely interesting creatures that are not unique to the Oriental Region but have much the same lifestyle and some of the same physical characteristics .
8 Some of the same US-registered super seiners operating in the southwest Pacific to catch skipjack tuna were the cause of considerable friction between the US Government and the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu in the South Pacific .
9 ( Pound had studied some of the same French poets , notably Laforgue and Rimbaud , but he had profited by them in a quite different way from Eliot , and he was averse to the central thrust of the symboliste endeavour , to which indeed the imagist or imagiste movement which he had sponsored had been intended as a challenging alternative . )
10 Most of the other mourners were listening to this with the same rapt attention they might have accorded a vaguely accurate account of Donald 's life .
11 The reason that these were given was most probably for quick identification , for at this time most men worked on the cement factories where father and son and uncles worked together , some with the same Christian names and a nickname was necessary for a man to know who was needed .
12 Clearly , whatever system we have , councils will want to squeeze as much money out of payers as they can and they will justify this in the same tired way : preservation of jobs and services .
13 His affinity with these older ‘ funny ’ men ( using the word very loosely ) would not , one suspects , be so readily achieved by Ben Elton , Lenny Henry or even Harry Enfield ( who shares much of the same loutish ‘ man of the people ’ charm as Merton ) .
14 An Atlantic bottlenose dolphin can discriminate circles , squares and triangles ( all of the same standardized area ) , using only its sonar .
15 The others followed , all of the same murderous breed , twenty killers to be let loose on the tiny defenceless country which Trent had learnt to love for its simplicity and innocence as much as for the variety of its natural beauty .
16 There are plenty of physical weavings : there are tapestries , rugs , knitted clothes , cat 's cradles , plaits , maypole ribbons ; there is knotting , crochet , basket-weaving , pot-coiling and many more skills which are all of the same basic craft .
17 Many of the same theoretical issues arise in the study of the evolution of sex ration on group-structured populations , a topic which has spawned some of the most impressive fits between quantitative predictions of evolutionary theory and field data .
18 This is true irrespective of the level of violence , although the masculine occupational culture of the force contains many of the same sanitizing euphemisms for violence against women ( ‘ giving the wife a diggin' ’ ) .
19 At £1,045 , the Greenfield has many of the same basic components as its rivals .
20 Whilst it does not have the theological aims of the NVALA , the NFoL/CARE or the OCU , it still appears to have developed in response or opposition to many of the same social trends highlighted by those other groups .
21 The problem of jet-set pests in aircraft is reflected in other forms of transport ; container lorries are now carrying many of the same exotic infestations that previously used to arrive only by ship .
22 As numerous commentators have pointed out , the ‘ castle ’ appears to share many of the same physical features as Spenser himself .
23 First , the solutions adopted are all from the same stable , that of semi-traditional , soft , road engineering such as mini roundabouts , turning bans and the like .
24 Philistus was rated high in antiquity , but forty-one of the seventy-seven surviving quotations are all from the same late geographical dictionary .
25 She had a wide circle of friends , all from the same social set , ex-public school , most of them with parents living in the country .
26 His 10 brothers and sisters , all from the same illustrious litter , have also won races , though at lesser meetings .
27 In the cathedral he was responsible for completing the crossing and building the nave , for the reredos and sedilia of 1316–26 and the pulpitum of 1317–25 , all in the same advanced style as the wooden throne .
28 There was a long refectory table round which sat seven young men , all in the same red-coat uniform .
29 — Department store bosses trying to try on clothes in their fiddly little changing rooms ( you can always tell people who 've been clothes shopping they 're the ones with the bruised elbows ) ; — Town planners and architects who think steps are an interesting feature trying to get up them in a wheelchair , with a pram , or just with creaky old legs ; — Hospital consultants who make ten appointments for the same time waiting in out-patients , especially if it 's the day when there 's a dotty old lady , a whining child and an old man who coughs and spits all in the same little section ; — Weird fashion experts wearing their crazier outfits in Darlington on a rainy Monday .
30 ‘ But it 's a strange feeling to be robbed of both homes all in the same wild night . ’
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