Example sentences of "[det] [prep] the year [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Wattling 's father was in the army , and his mother spent half of the year in Singapore or wherever he happened to be stationed , so his state was even more bereft than Tilney 's , whose parents were divorced but whose father was stationed less than fifty miles away .
2 Philippe Barbe is in the happy position of being able to spend much of the year aboard his yacht and Speedy-Go therefore bears the hallmarks of a largely liveaboard yacht : accommodation with the accent on comfort , a state-of-the-art navigatorium and a galley of industrial aspect from which excellent meals regularly emerge .
3 The animals spend much of the year on the islands .
4 Comment on the dollar had been sombre for much of the year in the train of developments the previous autumn .
5 The foresters , both riding and walking , and their pages take for a cart two , three or four shillings , from some more and from others less according to their means , and for a pack-horse twelve , sixteen or eighteen pence , to raise their fine which they have made with the warden for their appointment ; this to the great destruction of the King 's forest and the grievance of those who have woods in the forest , for they suffer the carriers to go quit all through the year without attachment , and yet the King has no profit …
6 Those for the year to 31 December 1991 ( due to the inspector of taxes by 31 December 1992 ) were not prepared until January 1994 .
7 The Royal Mint usually supplied coins whose dates correspond with those of the year of the boundary riding but in 1983 there was a lack of co-operation and , but for the intervention of the local MP Leon Brittain , no new coins would have been forthcoming .
8 So Vincente ended up teaching most of the year at La Manga , a complex of world-class golf courses , villas and hotels on the Costa Blanca .
9 As the profession 's representative body , the Law Society has had to face the question of how to achieve its strategic aims for the healthy development of the profession over the coming decade , in the absence for most of the year of the promised green shoots of economic recovery .
10 They were housed for most of the year with their ‘ Granny Jerram ’ in the Epsom grandstand , which was let to Henry Dorling in his capacity as clerk of the course .
11 For instance , Abdulraham Bu Riziq spent most of the year in camp about twenty miles from Ajdabiya .
12 She and Ruth lived most of the year in Ealing , where their father owned a furniture shop .
13 Not his brother , who had now left the Army and spent most of the year in Algiers .
14 THE CHILD HERSELF OF A fractured relationship , Neneh was raised by her mother and step-father Don Cherry , whom Moki ( now an artist who works for most of the year in New York ) met soon after Neneh was born .
15 As Mrs Shand Kydd spent most of the year in Scotland it was as good as her own place .
16 Alecko Papamarkou , who lives most of the year in America , is always a very kind and welcoming host , and loves to see his friends enjoying themselves .
17 The seascape , dominated for most of the year by grey sky , grey sea , brown sand , was splashed with bright colours today : a white motor-boat whining past dragging a water-skier in a brilliant orange wet suit ; a wind-surfer 's sail bellying out in blue and red stripes , silver heart-shaped helium balloons joggling above the slow-moving crowds ; women in egg-yolk yellow , lime green , shocking pink … .
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