Example sentences of "[det] [adj] years ['s] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 During that eight years ' task , those at the heart of it were learning themselves how to pray more deeply and contemplatively .
2 At this stage SGB Group already had some 12 years ' experience in processing by computer its main business systems .
3 The Battalion was finally wound up on 7 August 1946 , and the Works lost its close association with the 1st Bucks , of some 69 years ' standing , for in 1947 , in the new TA formation , it became a Light-Anti-Aircraft Regiment , no part of which was raised at Wolverton .
4 The former training division is an established one of some 25 years ' standing .
5 They received this 3 years ' worth of money to set up their new community facilities .
6 But I have a sneaking feeling that in another five years ' time I 'll be reviewing the GR-100 and that will be the one …
7 The call came from the director general of the Office of Fair Trading , Sir Gordon Borrie , in a hard-hitting review of this 16 years ' work , at a recent Institute of Directors ' branch meeting .
8 There was a staff of three Corporals , one Sergeant and the scarred Sergeant-Major who had interviewed me , all of whom were veterans of some twenty years ' service in the Legion , filling in their last years before retirement .
9 One major achievement was the adoption , by the influential Council of Bars and Law Societies of the European Community ( CCBE ) — after some 15 years ' debate — of a draft directive on rights of establishment under home title .
10 The EEC this month revealed that Europe 's nuclear industry holds a stockpile of some four years ' supply of enriched uranium .
11 I suspect that in another hundred years ' time people will look back and wonder at our apparent inability to regard sound recordings as permanent media , like books , music , or paintings .
12 Meanwhile Yorkshire 's liquidity has held up and should guarantee the county at least another seven years ' existence , time enough for the new management and its overseas players to wave their collective wands .
13 However , when these two years ' figures are compared with those of previous years , it becomes obvious that the crackdown was introduced as a result of a particularly bad year for accidents .
14 Then you are paid 1/80th of the average of all those years ' earnings , for every year you 've been in the scheme .
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