Example sentences of "[det] [adj] on [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The relevant market price is still that prevailing on the date for actual performance and not that prevailing on the earlier date of the anticipatory breach .
2 Proposed for 25,000 people , the building of the city was stopped because of the economic crisis after two ‘ superblock ’ units had been constructed , but sufficient was shown that a quite different form of residential layout was possible from that dependent on the provision of estate roads and traditional house frontage .
3 We do not have any neat theory of the atonement , but we know this that on the cross Christ died for our sins and for the atonement of the world .
4 Screwy sort of argument — I mean , what she was really saying was half right on the nail , and half like a whirlpool that sucks everything into it . ’
5 Some concentrated on the sitter 's head , while others depicted clothing or background .
6 The young couple were with her less than forty-eight hours , explaining they had promised to spend another thirty-six on the way back with John 's parents , who lived in Cheltenham .
7 Which turned out to be towards a taxi , one of the few remaining on the dockside now that most of the passengers had gone ashore .
8 Radio York , that 's where you 're tuned , the B B C station for North Yorkshire and er James Whale is here on the wireless with you bright and e I 'm amazed I can get up after being up so late on a Friday night , I 'm amazed I can be in here this early on a Friday , and somebody said well it is twelve o'clock .
9 Barclays has 12,000 terminals installed in stores and another 30,000 on the way .
10 Forms containing features of the following races may also be seen : principalis ( 1 ) ( from Transcaspia and Turkestan ) with some white on the wing coverts and upper parts yellowish or orange red , mongolicus ( 4 ) ( from Turkestan , not Mongolia ) with white on the wing and partial white collar and upperparts coppery-red glossed with green and the blue-rumped formosanus ( 3 ) from Taiwan .
11 Bangor handed them another three on a plate and the Seasiders may well have been leg-weary after their exertions in Cyprus on Wednesday .
12 Bangor handed them another three on a plate and the Seasiders may well have been leg-weary after their exertions in Cyprus on Wednesday .
13 As a programmer struggles over the fifth tedious revision of a 25-word frame , it is difficult to escape the conclusion that if he had worked this hard on every sentence of the textbooks he had written , these textbooks would probably teach as well as programmes …
14 They 're spendin' a few thousand on the Town Centre plantin' all trees 'n' things .
15 As Darren Bailey who introduced this chapter pointed out , it is no good simply putting a pretty gloss on the environment , the solutions require more than ‘ spendin' a few thousand on the Town Centre plantin' all trees ‘ n ’ things ' .
16 Indeed , in the interval of a gig on his 1986 UK tour , a disgruntled punter was heard to remark : ‘ If I 'd wanted something this cerebral on a Friday night , I 'd ‘ ve stayed at home and read Proust . ’
17 Do some more on the couch .
18 I mean , she coped nicely because , providing we maintain a breeding stock of horses , cows and sheep , we can perhaps help you out a little bit more on that if you could erm , help us some more on the timber .
19 One member of the team must drink a pint of beer at the start and consume another four on the way .
20 There are four rubber feet on the bottom , and another four on the side , opposite an excellent , deeply-recessed handle that would n't look out of place on a 4x12″ cab .
21 The new inspector advises me that he is restricting the loan interest relief to that payable on the Halifax loan on the basis that ‘ the net MIRAS arrangements have been fully utilised by the Halifax loan ’ .
22 The digitised speech is crystal clear and the FM music would justify spending that little extra on a Sound Blaster to get the full benefit of this excellent package .
23 Levels of hardness vary considerably from one geographical area to another and are very much dependent on the type of water flows .
24 ‘ The commodity chemicals cycle may not begin to pick up until 1993 , with the pace very much dependent on the strength of the world economic revival which has not yet begun ’ .
25 There 's much more on a Sunday .
26 However , three other power bases do depend much more on the capacity of the powerful to affect directly the perceptions of the less powerful , even when the latter are resisting that influence .
27 As Whyte ( 1 943 , p. 300 ) noted in his classic study of Chicago street gangs , acceptance by informants depends much more on the development of personal relationships than on any explanation concerning the reasons for conducting the research .
28 It is that , in their various fields , professionals rarely act through any explicit theory or articulated principles governing professional practice , and much more on the basis of tacit principles and knowledge which are embedded in their professional behaviour .
29 And I see companions and conviviality as much more on the sidelines of life than at the centre .
30 Voters depend much less on the cues and guidance given them by party workers and rely instead on television .
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