Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [noun] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 All that bloody crap I 've had .
2 Because I love you , and I want what little private life I have to be steady and permanent , ’ Scott said .
3 fucking er it was like that but they ai n't just do n't go and get very close to the like that So I 've gone up under arch of the wheel got my like that right state I got in !
4 That Labour amendment I read out mentioned the airport money .
5 But at the heart of that issue I you know that specific issue I think is a good example of the of of the problem which I see you facing is that I think it 's more not so much about the noise but about the fact that we have a relatively privileged few people who are enjoying going to these May Balls I mean and enjoying the end of their exams , staying up all night , and I wonder in fact if it 's more a matter of sour grapes rather than environmental health .
6 All along that awful journey I 'd been tortured by the thought that someone might have found and moved the dinghy and that I would be trapped in this hellish marsh .
7 She had therefore sent advance copies to Prince Albert , the Earl of Shaftesbury and Charles Kingsley to whom she referred to ‘ that awful book I have been forced to write ’ .
8 Is that that stuff I got ?
9 Oh is that that steak I got the other night ?
10 Well , Mrs. Jewkes , if it were not for the thought of that cursed parson I believe in my heart , so great is my weakness , that I could yet forgive this intriguing little slut and take her to my bosom .
11 I knew I 'd been dreaming again ( or whatever we call it ) because , when I came out of it , the wooden post — that old pile I 'd clung to like a drowning man — was nowhere !
12 He was moved to ask , ‘ Marcus , that little brown cap I saw you wearing once , what is it ? ’
13 During that painful walk I managed to work out the general outline of these pages .
14 And then in some subtle way I allowed myself to be dominated by you .
15 Of course I 'm sorry , for some strange reason I thought we were going that way , I 've got to go through the other way have n't I ?
16 Oh they 're a fair we , it 's about two hundred some odd miles I think .
17 At this low point I gave in and had my epidural topped up .
18 Looking into those calm , assured faces in this odd setting I felt a stab of the futile longing to communicate that Alan Moorehead described on meeting a family of gorillas .
19 For some cruel reason I took heart from the very ordinariness of her misery .
20 I do try and get most of the things out from behind there it 's this this bookcase I have terrible trouble with .
21 We 're off er well York this funny thing I got to see that it all goes through for my dad .
22 I was standing in the back of a small boat , drifting down some English river I 've never seen — the kind with dappled , overhang-ing leaves reflected in the water — grasping a punt-pole in my hands and propelling the flat boat like it was something I 'd done for years .
23 Although I have been billed as a " computer man " — I have been employed in the computer marketing and services side of IBM for 17 years — for over half this time I have been a line manager .
24 I slipped into the great four-poster bed , whispered a few French endearments I had learnt from a wench and set to with a will .
25 If his Majesty declines the offer , it will come in handy for some civic dinner I expect . ’
26 In this damp clay I had left footprints , and over these footprints I now found the splayed-out pug marks of the tigress where she had jumped down from the rocks and followed me , until the kakar had seen her and given its alarm-call , whereon the tigress had left the track and entered the bushes where I had seen the movement .
27 ‘ But I 've promised to look up some old friends I have n't seen for ages .
28 Late one afternoon as I was packing some old boots I had begged with wet slack and tea leaves to use as fuel on the fire the door was flung open and Dad stumbled in .
29 Man , I wish I had an American rug , instead of this old dishtowel I live my life under
30 In response to some implied criticism I made of his treatment of the sub-editor , Porua regarded me in a sneering silence and then said , ‘ Why should I have regard for my fellows ?
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