Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For each professional within the practice a training programme should be devised .
2 You say that right from the heart .
3 he was he was so horrified about it because she had actually run all that right from the beginning
4 So then it went on from there to Canada so it just worked out or appeared to work out that right around the world at that particular time ten or eleven years ago , that nobody was bothered and as you said the Beautiful Dreamers and this sort of stuff until we came along and er but other than that we would be surprised .
5 Thus systemic and schematic knowledge develop concurrently , each supportive of the other .
6 The relevant market price is still that prevailing on the date for actual performance and not that prevailing on the earlier date of the anticipatory breach .
7 Yet , although the number of officials for every 2,000 head of population rose from one in the 1750s to about four in the 1850s , the proportion was still incomparably lower than that prevailing in the West .
8 While all presidents have testified to the difficulty of shifting the course of the bureaucracy , the task was made even more difficult for Nixon by the direct clash between the political philosophy of his administration and that prevailing in the bureaucracy , particularly the social-services agencies .
9 If the initial exposure is given to some flavour other than that used for the test phase , then both the habituation of neophobia ( Siegel 1974 ) and latent inhibition ( Tarpy and McIntosh 1977 ) are attenuated but may still occur to some extent — the degree of generalization will presumably depend upon the extent to which the pre-exposed flavour and the test flavour are perceived as similar .
10 An interference effect was indeed apparent at the start of the final stage ( Fig. 4.7 ) and did not differ in magnitude between subjects that had received their aversive training in the same context as that used for the test and subjects that had received aversive training in a different context .
11 These trousers are made from a 50% cotton , 50% polyester mix , which is slightly heavier than that used for the shirt .
12 ( The Form will allow you to make the garment in almost any yarn , within reason , rather than that used for the original . )
13 These contained an Eak construct equivalent to that used for the Ea d Short transgenic construct ( Figure 1d ) .
14 Ray Darby could not say which but confirmed that the note sent to Wainfleet was on paper identical to that used for the death threat .
15 To produce anti-human milk lactoferrin antibodies , rabbits were immunised by subcutaneous injections of 2 mg human milk lactoferrin ( that is , the same antigen as that used for the ELISA and western blot assays ) togetherwith Freund 's incomplete adjuvant ( Sigma ) on three occasions with 4 week intervals .
16 The stationery cupboard had not provided paper similar to that used for the note and when Richard Beales left a systematic search was still going on of shelves and desks where some might have been overlooked .
17 Usually , we can find at least one band to use as a measure of the amount of impurity still present : if is made from , the residual chloride can be detected by the only distinct band , that due to the Sn-Cl stretching mode .
18 In June 1986 he unveiled a five year development programme for the occupied territories , proposing to spend $1,200 million , which depended upon funding from Jordan 's Western friends , particularly the United States and the European Community , and was focused on the development of the rural and commercial sectors , the two areas deemed least supportive of the PLO .
19 It is ridiculous that two-thirds of the cost of a bottle of whisky goes to the Treasury and the taxation rate is double that of imported wines . ’
20 These contracts were initially awarded exclusively to Finnish and Turkish firms , but German Economics Minister Jürgen Möllemann had announced in late May , after a visit to Moscow , that two-thirds of the contracts would in fact go to ( mostly eastern ) German firms .
21 A survey carried out by the Labour Party revealed that two-thirds of the authorities questioned were experiencing difficulties in recruiting parent governors , a quarter of them claiming that the problems were serious .
22 As early as 1738 mine owners were complaining that two-thirds of the mines were unworkable because of creep and the large amounts of explosive methane that were released .
23 The survey also found that two-thirds of the customers surveyed did not understand the Financial Services Act distinction between a tied agent and an independent financial adviser .
24 A study in one polytechnic found that 11% of the bookstock was in circulation , while in another two samples taken from law and the humanities revealed that three issues per volume was the average use per annum , and that two-thirds of the items were loaned in a two-year period .
25 The guzzling of our resources is even more worrying when one realises that two-thirds of the energy produced in a power station floats straight out of the cooling towers , never to be seen again .
26 I said so to Tom and he said of course this girl is n't all that popular with the men — that 's an important part of a production assistant 's job — and he said ‘ she 'd give anything to be in your place — to be married and have a baby ’ .
27 Courses of stone were corbelled out from the angles of the walls of the square , each projecting beyond the others below and carried upon them .
28 that 's right , and he gets some unemployment money and I take ten pounds a week off him , for his food , I mean , it 's not enough but it 'll do , you know and then in dribs and drabs begrudgingly from that forty over the week once he starts to run out of money cos he 's paid once a fortnight I begin to give him his karate money and here 's two pounds fifty to go to the pub with Neil , you know , little bits
29 Or if they said , well , I can manage on that half until the year 's expired , and then have one plan kick in at fifty two weeks , with the full benefits .
30 Sanders ca n't be all that interested in the Plan if he takes a few days vacation rather than give the presentation .
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