Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 It was , wrote the best-known and most influential of them , the Abbe de Saint-Pierre , ‘ that vain Idol to which the Nations have Sacrificed so blindly , so fruitlessly , and for so long a Time , so much Blood and Treasure ’ .
2 Christian joy is found when we hold on to God 's hand and when we learn that fabulous certainty with which we can step out into the uncertainties of the coming day .
3 For one has to recognize that if one had their desires one would not accept principles which rode roughshod over their satisfaction , and this implies that one should not accept them at all , since one can not universalise them to that hypothetical situation in which one would be forced to reject them .
4 Right , okay , so the situation we 're in today is that we 're actually got to defend our Party , the Party is the whole labour movement , from that political direction in which the leadership or ex-leadership and some people in the Parliamentary Party seem to want to take us .
5 Also , in what will probably be a monochrome house , he has a dash of that odd vividness with which Yorkshire , while talking about its dourness , often comes up .
6 Whether as a direct result of this or not , the treatment of the antislavery agent and later rhetorician of radicalism , George Thompson , was noticeably cool ; he was eloquent but lacked education and was thus in ‘ entire ignorance of the tone of that high society from which the great bulk of our parliamentary men are taken ’ .
7 Jealous , without admitting that gut-tearing feeling for what it was until recently . ’
8 In all these versions the family is seen as having a direct relationship with the wider society , being that social form within which people are assigned a place in society and where they internalise the values of that place and which shapes sexual attitudes to conform to wider social needs .
9 It is the quest to think of that peculiar essence of which its physical nature is the more or less full actualisation .
10 Here the hypocrite is often connected with the actor in that peculiar process by which Shakespeare , within a play performed by actors in a theatre , could make those actors refer to acting in terms of insincerity .
11 This is a result of that historical process by which , through new media such as printing , material goods have been created with cumulative effect ; as a result of this powerful force for cultural production , the present generation has inherited a vast accretative mass of products in terms of which it is expected to know itself .
12 There is probably some lower limit below which the garage will not go in skimping the service , because the risk of detection then becomes too high ( O'Brien ) .
13 Such task analysis can only be carried out to some cost-effective limit beyond which the skilled operator must be trusted to get things right by applying his broad expertise .
14 Initially , there was some professional scepticism about what seemed to be a ‘ third world technology ’ , according to Fife Region engineer Ron Dickson , who was involved in the project from the outset .
15 We are all responsible for this fabulous world on which we have been born .
16 Molly felt similarly safe , brought to this strange place about which she would have clearly so much to learn .
17 Later we will take advantage of this strong way in which the semantic value of a process is determined by its syntactic approximation .
18 Here 's some advance warning of what 's happening at this year 's London Music Show , to be held at Wembley Conference Centre over the weekend of 28th and 29th November .
19 Fred watched carefully in the mirror for some muscular indication of what his friend had in mind .
20 There was another political task to which anthropology was put in the work of Marx , and for this the writings of Morgan also proved particularly appropriate .
21 Peering out along the pontoon , he could see the contrasting starkness of new wood at its farther end , the only trace in all this orderly solitude of what had occurred there eighteen months before .
22 The respected Philips producer/engineer Volker Straus was in charge and I wonder if the combination of the acknowledged problems of the Berlin Philharmonic hall , and the fact that Laser Disc and VHS video versions are to be released shortly , led to this untypical spotlighting in what is otherwise a most impressive recording .
23 Readers will be interested to know that Mr Mant , now in his 90th year , has also recently had published a book on the fall of Singapore in 1942 , another historic event to which he was witness .
24 He was impressed and proceeded to tell her about Keeley , recalling some inflammable occasion on which Keeley had set fire to something or someone .
25 And as there is n't the money available to do it at full commercial price , in my view we should go for what they call cross-subsidy , that is to say that they give erm planning permission on a plot for some commercial housing on which the landowner can make some money , and in , a condition of that would be that part of that plot would be made available for low cost housing .
26 This intertextual model of what lies beyond it — reality , truth , author or reader — removes literature even further from any representational function .
27 Heads are shaking sagely and there is some lively discussion about whose round it is , before farmer Colin brings us back to earth : ‘ If we 're going to have a committee , we need a chairman . ’
28 I had hoped for Eric 's face , or some further clue about what was going to happen , but I got nothing .
29 She opened her eyes and darted a glance at Marc , sure by now that he was already planning some further strategy by which to entangle her .
30 They may , indeed , deliver another painful lesson in what promises to be a fascinating derby match but Alex Ferguson 's team go into that encounter with pressure eased in the knowledge that they can drop a minimum of six points on a seven-match run-in .
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