Example sentences of "[det] [noun] now [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And , oh I 'm talking about this bit now in a minute
2 C : I think that there 's some hope now with the Labour party because they 've — um — compromised themselves politically so far that they would n't …
3 Now I 'm actually , there is n't another session now until the week after next , cos I 'm actually away next week .
4 I reckon your sort of timetable for doing this wants to be , early next week to meet to work out exactly what questions you are gon na do and mak make a questionnaire and perhaps later on in the week Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , start to ask some people Now on the Friday this time this we this time next week you c
5 see that 's gon na , see what I mean , as we go along that 'll fall on the floor that , you 'll have it all over the place , put it away okay , get some petrol now on the way
6 Er so have another go now at a similar sort of reaction .
7 Because I have worked for some time now on the forming of music and sounds , and through this specific endeavour have become aware of the " molecular structure " parallel , I can see great form in " Beautiful Landscape Traversed By Electricity Pylons " , " Tiny Aeroplane In One Expansive Sky " , " One Cup of Tea With Spoon And Attached Shadows " , " One Bogey Slightly Protruding From Person 's Nose " and , apart from when I 'm blackly depressed , Life is seen from inside me to be better every day because of my positive use of the rich energy that is emitted from every thing , live or dead .
8 I 'm writing this prose now in a domestic quiet broken only by a blackbird outside my window , and a car starting up and revving .
9 Too much space now for the coin to be useful , his finger could slide under the lip .
10 I do n't know where , I thought I left my case here , I do n't know what I 've done with my case that 's all , it 's probably downstairs oh oh I do n't know , mm still not able to find it I think I 'd better put these plants out mm that 's right , oh , mm that 's not there right , I 'd better switch this , the tape off cos there 's not much , be much conversation now for a while
11 I think it 's wrong because they , they 're putting these houses now on the market , the building societies
12 It is plain that if the judge had been appraised of all these matters now before the court , he would have come to the same conclusion as we have , namely that the necessary intention had not been proved on the part of the appellants .
13 Seeing these movies now in a late-night television slot only confirms how harmless they all are .
14 I want to discuss each of these currents now in a more critical way .
15 Incomprehensibly , there seem to be as many spotters now in the days of dull diesels and anonymous electrics as there were when we were train-spotters in the last years of steam and the trains bore names like Bihar and Orissa , Baroda , Indore , Drake , Camperdown , and Barfleur , names redolent of history and tradition , summoning up fragrant images of far-off places and the martial rattle of distant centuries .
16 It 's absurd , but I feel we are all protagonists now in the same story .
17 My understanding is that the European parliament has got so many buildings now including a great new building at Brussels built at huge cost , enormous cost and a new building they want to build at Strasbourg .
18 PAY rises are falling , with many deals now below the 3.7 per cent inflation rate , according to a new report .
19 PAY rises are falling , with many deals now below the 3.7 per cent inflation rate , according to a new report .
20 There was less noise now in the town .
21 I would urge him to use those measures now before the whole of BR 's freight carrying capability collapses , ’ he added .
22 Even if it is absolutely essential to have one to prune expenditure I hope you will get a free hand to have a dissolution in the autumn as we can not recover any revenue or any industry now without a tariff …
23 Mandy , a kindergarten teacher during the year , had worked at the famous Anpetuwi Lodge as its entertainments director for several years now during the summer .
24 There have been presentation graphics programs around for several years now in the PC marketplace ; programs such as Harvard Graphics , Lotus Freelance , Daverelle , Genigraphics and 35mm Express , all merrily turning out graphs , charts and text for use as presentation aids .
25 Diesel Cars : There 's little doubt now of a verve for derv
26 Er we do the sales sometimes on the first on most cases now on the first er interview .
27 Most cameras now on the market are colour cameras .
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