Example sentences of "[det] [verb] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 that influences our opinions on it , you know .
2 One of the European enterprise 's long-standing problems is that matching its ambitions with reality .
3 Intelligence ( 15 credits ) : Duhhh , this turns your players into brainy bar stewards , thus they move into excellent attack positions .
4 Billy refused to allow this to affect his performances in the Palace goal and he never played better than in his last two League games for us at the end of the 1931–32 season .
5 We 're also members of the Association of British Travel Agents ( ABTA ) number 68342 ; this guarantees our standards of trading practice .
6 This has its advantages for the mother .
7 While this has its origins in the manipulation of plant and animal species that began c. 10 kyr BP ( section 3.3 ) it has been confined to plant and animal breeding programmes .
8 And this causes me difficulties in that I have to either imagine what it was or come back again to see whatever the er item in question is .
9 Around half returned almost immediately , while half deferred their studies for a year .
10 Englishwomen , some pushing their pushchairs along the winding muddy roads , other older ones fanning their faces with trembling hands and still wearing their coloured woolly hats .
11 This allows your sleeves to be knitted , weaving as you go , without your having to consider any shaping at the sides .
12 But I could see with my inner eye the form of my Lord Krishna , seated before Arjuna in the chariot on the battlefield of Kurukshetra , and I heard the sublime thoughts , and this filled my eyes with tears of joy and love . ' ’
13 The Alpine snows closed over his militant steps , and the sinners he had excommunicated for one reason or another turned their thoughts from irregular union or simony , if they had ever been on them , and peered into the mists of what promised to be a very long vacancy .
14 According to the Algerian press this showed their reservations about the League 's functioning and political position .
15 Aware of a faint feeling of reluctance , Rory took his hand , half expecting her fingers to be crushed in a vicelike grip .
16 She lifted her face to the sun , half closing her eyes against the silver dazzle that bounced across the water , breathing deeply on the tangle-scented air .
17 Adjusting her position and half closing her eyes against the sun , she too stared out over the garden , waiting for him to get to the point .
18 Only in his last interruption ( p. 56 ) is Anderson actually impolite and this reflects his priorities in terms of conversational goals .
19 Readers attributed to Martyn a degree of responsibility for the content of the journal , and some sent their comments to him rather than to Oldenburg .
20 Some advance their careers by moving into nurse teaching , management or research , while some find that other countries and international health care organisations provide alternative career opportunities .
21 This saved us hours of back-breaking work ( though we did lose some concrete in odd places ) .
22 This means our mailings to advisers are far more likely to reach the person they are intended for .
23 I trust this answered your queries on the increase in the annual subscription and your members ' satisfaction , that they still consider it good value for money .
24 I was too anxious — far too anxious — and this put my interviewers on their guard .
25 Finally comes settlement , but do n't count on this to pay your accounts at the end of the month .
26 Mind I 'll tell you honest she asked , fat lady this take your troubles to her I forget her bleeding name .
27 Some bare their souls on their feet and some bare their souls in the bars .
28 Some bare their souls on their feet and some bare their souls in the bars .
29 The picture of Oxford between the wars as a place where the privileged few neglected their studies in favour of laid-back , often decadent lifestyles , will remain .
30 65% would like a more adventurous life and nearly half relieve their frustrations with music .
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