Example sentences of "[det] [verb] [pron] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 This has its advantages for the mother .
2 that it is crucial to draw attention to fundamental assumptions in our society , and to keep open for pupils the options of accepting , modifying or rejecting these views ( Chapters 2 – 3 ) ; 2. that the purpose of RE is pupils ' self-education , engaging in depth upon the meaning and truth-claims of religions in a way which is relevant to their total experience of life ( Chapter 4 ) ; 3. that space needs to be given in which pupil involvement has a chance to develop , together with creativity , a sense of wonder and the cultivation of inner quietness ( Chapters 5 and 6 ) ; 4. that teachers need to model a positive , fair and balanced approach to the diversity of religious traditions and outlooks , and the controversy which these can generate ( Chapter 8 ) ; 5. that in a spirit of critical affirmation it is important to develop skills of evaluation and criteria for discernment ( Chapters 7 and 9 ) ; 6. that the crucial need is to put persons first , to establish genuine relationships which are affirming of pupils , believing that they have something to give , and so listening to them and responding to them — and in the light of this to encourage their capacity for self-assessment ( Chapter 10 ) ; 7. that the distinction between education and dogmatic teaching is all-important and that , provided this is borne in mind , opportunities for stillness and possible worship can be an invaluable aid to education ( Chapters 6 and 11 ) ; 8. that RE can relate in a dynamic and creative way to all other areas of the curriculum ( Chapters 12 and 13 ) .
3 Around half returned almost immediately , while half deferred their studies for a year .
4 Not that this affected his appetite for the bottles on Franco 's highest shelf .
5 In 1876–7 he made his first visit to Japan and this confirmed his admiration for oriental design and inspired much of his best work , as well as a book , Japan : its Architecture , Art , and Art Manufactures ( 1882 ) .
6 This the , this going my way for it
7 This concerns your responsibility for the accuracy of the parliamentary record .
8 This gave them sympathy for the victims of the slave trade and slavery and , as the abolitionist John Bowring stressed , formed a strong bond of union between them .
9 This gives us space for others , allowing us to show kindness and understanding and helping us to live appropriately with others .
10 Does this satisfy your thirst for revenge ? ’
11 Mr Thomas said the Co-op Bank was one of the few to cut its charge for bad debts , which fell from £47.7 million to £42.8 million in the year to 9 January , while profits before debt provisions leapt 26 per cent to £52.7 million .
12 If Hastings ' performance did much to underline his candidacy for the Lions captaincy — no one else of his individual stature has a similar gift for bringing players together on and off the field — it also made a significant contribution in bringing the new Murrayfield to life .
13 The rebuff did much to undermine his enthusiasm for the Conservative party .
14 Does he agree that when terrorists inflict danger and disruption on ordinary people anywhere — in Britain , Northern Ireland or anywhere else — they are not so much demonstrating their support for any cause as demonstrating their hatred and opposition to every community ?
15 Harry , by contrast , had no intention of subsiding into forgetful slumber : he had far too much to occupy his mind for sleep to seem attractive .
16 The Security Council debate had been preceded by a series of statements by and an exchange of letters between de Klerk and Mandela in which each stated their terms for the resumption of constitutional talks .
17 They all sat around , reminding each other of things they all remembered , each waiting his cue for the next reminiscence to be slotted in .
18 In 1216 it was Eustace who commanded the fleet which ferried Philip 's son , Louis , across to England when the latter mounted his bid for the English throne .
19 It seems we 're all losing our taste for sweet things because of the shortages .
20 ‘ I thought I had made that clear , ’ said Wheeler with no attempt at all to disguise his contempt for the Archdeacon .
21 And all to satisfy his lust for land ! ’
22 they all have their days for going .
23 We all have our reasons for this initiative .
24 In Ballachulish an old man , who had no recollection of the jackdaws , told me , ‘ We all have our names for these mountains but they call them different now . ’
25 The Articles shown in this catalogue are intended for all to show their support for the ANC 's principled stand against Apartheid and for a new unitary democratic non-racial South Africa .
26 There is also the problem that performance testing is highly susceptible to personal distractions and even though the tests and conditions of testing can be standardized , the motivation of those taking them cannot. for example , in some of our own experiments we found that subjects like to accompany each testing session with music .
27 But once I think we were , we were going in a mad rush er , each saw his responsibilities for that word , and that 'll do , and then we 'd say yes , and stuck it here .
28 For that ask your chemist for charcoal biscuits or a preparation for flatulence — but avoid laxatives and purgatives , which do n't solve the basic problem .
29 It was only a short spell of relief , most of it spent down Channel in atrocious summer weather as I remember , but it was enough to whet my appetite for more , and the start of a long love affair with Venturous .
30 The power of the platform 's weapons and the threat they posed was enough to give anyone pause for thought , but now they appeared somehow more lethal because they were unseen — concealed behind gunports which had been engineered to such fine tolerances that Rostov could detect no hint of them anywhere on the curved metal skin .
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