Example sentences of "[det] [noun] i had the " in BNC.

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1 ’ ‘ It 's funny to think that just this afternoon I had the idea of getting poor old Eddy to come over to the Gates and tell me something about himself …
2 ‘ In preparing this Address I had the opportunity to reflect back over the last thirty years , reliving those working days when wages were extremely low , working conditions poor and when in industry a person 's life was cheap .
3 There was another time I had the same feeling .
4 On that occasion I had the hardest fight of my career and my prominent nose was badly broken before I won on points .
5 For many years I had the somewhat perverse view that instead of rewarding the salesman who always got the business , we should reward the one who lost it .
6 But if these beings had left any fingerprints I had the strong feeling they would n't be the kind you get down at Scotland Yard .
7 That way I had the power ready to hand and as the front wheels began to grip a solid surface and the snout of the Toyota reared up , I banged the clutch in with my foot hard down .
8 No I did n't , luckily , erm my mother 's family , probably the men in that family I had the influence o of of those men and I think that helped a lot .
9 During that time I had the misfortune to visit the infamous Boggo road gaol ; I stress that I was a visitor .
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