Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [vb pp] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 Volunteers from each canteen dressed up in Santa Claus suits and took buckets round the contractors to raise money .
2 Another trial carried out in New Zealand , and widely quoted in the medical literature , apparently failed to find any link between the mother 's diet and colic in breast-fed babies .
3 " To bed , " she said decisively , " I 'll have some tea sent up in a little while . "
4 Another girl caught up in Roman 's potent charisma ?
5 For those who prefer scientific evidence for the effects of essential oils on the mind , let me draw your attention to some experiments carried out in the last ten years by John Steele ( an American research worker ) and Maxwell Cade , a British biophysicist .
6 His appeal came as another father caught up in the Warrington bomb tragedy said he felt the whole country was urging his son , the critically injured 12-year-old Timothy Parry , to survive .
7 ‘ Then the owners had some capital tied up in their slaves so it cost them if one died , but now they lose nothing . ’
8 Some children brought up in institutions are so damaged by these experiences that they can not live in a family where they have to respond to others ' feelings and may escape into work in an institutional setting .
9 Few women brought up in India can truthfully say that they have never felt Sharam .
10 There are over 600 in North America , about 50 in Mexico , 35 in the Caribbean , 200 in Europe , plus quite a few others scattered around in various holiday areas .
11 He could go and dig up the roadworks during the night , and get some cement made up in a small container and cement up the holes in manhole covers you used to lift the things up by .
12 Such sharks caught up in the net of pressganging were generally ideal raw material for the Guard .
13 Charcoal has these tars driven off in the course of manufacture , leaving it as a clean , uncomplicated fuel for use in gasifiers .
14 Not only touch , but all activities carried out in the vicinity of the patient , offer the nurse an opportunity to show empathy .
15 Although in every case the judge must balance the commercial or property rights of the plaintiff in controlling the information against the value of the defendant 's right of free speech , for many judges brought up in a world which accords pre-eminent value to rights of property , this may seem like balancing hard cash against hot air .
16 ' ( But as we know , a great many Christians caught up in talking about social activism of various kinds do not believe in the Devil . )
17 Many issues brought up in sessions related to general school policies and practices .
18 But many interviews carried out in social research are of samples of what we might call ‘ ordinary ’ people — people who have characteristics , opinions and knowledge of a much more general nature .
19 The Laplacian derivation of the response of a series resonant circuit comprising resistance R , inductance L and capacitance C , to an e.m.f. suddenly applied at time , is worthy of comparison with the direct derivation of the same response carried out in section 4.5 through the solution of appropriate differential equations .
20 I later witnessed exactly the same procedure carried out in a Budapest café with such leisurely incompetence , that everything was completely waterlogged before they began .
21 It was undoubtedly unusual — and normally disadvantageous — for any ruler brought up in one country to rule over another , very different , one .
22 You find the same thing brought out in I Peter 1:2 and Revelation 1:4,5 .
23 Rather , the idea was to see people as simultaneously subject both to natural and instinctive drives while at the same time caught up in the various forms of culture and social relations which human societies construct in a more conscious way .
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