Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [vb past] to the " in BNC.

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1 Rain said , exasperated , that each route led to the same point and that meant back to the Tunisian .
2 And then the second says show that that complex numbered to the power of four where that complex number is that complex number , so all you do is that four , that and then you get minus a corner .
3 This change appealed to the Christians who had long observed Sunday — the Lord 's Day ( Dies Dominica ) on which Christ rose from the dead — as the first day of the week , in place of the Jewish Sabbath .
4 Even though this case went to the House of Lords no disagreement with that statement of principle is found in the judgments there .
5 In the event , part of the collection was left to the museum at Charleroi , near Magritte 's home town ; another part went to the Pompidou Centre 's Musée National d'Art Moderne , while the painter 's remaining works , house and surrealist library were left ownerless : his widow had not had time to stipulate how they should be divided .
6 The success of this measure led to the deregulation of local bus services in 1986 , involving the break up of the National Bus Company and the introduction of private sector competition .
7 However , he did concede that " there were indications that some activities and individuals might have been motivated to prevent success in constitutional goals " and that " some activities led to the deaths of people " .
8 As the Clean Air Act had left much to state initiative , congressional dissatisfaction with the rate of progress in some states led to the Air Quality Act of 1967 which at last required states to establish air quality standards consistent with federal criteria , and then to devise implementation plans setting out ways of achieving the air quality standards .
9 The results of this review came to the disturbingly complacent conclusion that , as blacks experience discrimination generally in society , ‘ it would perhaps be more surprising if there was no evidence of discrimination ’ in YTS schemes ( pp. 40–1 ) .
10 This artificiality led to the zoom shot 's falling out of favour for all but occasional use ( how it helped Superman to fly will be discussed later on ) .
11 For the empirical evidence discussed in the first section of this chapter led to the conclusion that habituation and latent inhibition are subserved by different mechanisms ; it follows that a theory based on the assumption of a common mechanism must be wrong in one way or another ; the fact that Wagner 's theory is inadequate as an account of habituation provides no reason to reject its explanation for latent inhibition .
12 This thinking led to the theory and strategy of ‘ export-led industrialization ’ ( ELI ) .
13 Some Scots fled to the abbey there after Flodden . ’
14 This susceptibility led to the closure of the main road at its base .
15 Until now , however , only a few data pointed to the production of platelet activating factor in physiological processes .
16 One wonders how-pupils watching this programme reacted to the statistic that , if we followed government advice , we might escape with only 20 million dead ( the Russians are more optimistic : they see 90 per cent surviving ) .
17 All this Tallis expressed to the shaman , Wyn-rajathuk , who listened in silence , his hand on her arm , his eye on the face of Harry which watched from the pieces of dead wood .
18 Few cheapjacks went to the Tuesday market , but there were numerous stalls selling vegetables , fish , clothing and many other items .
19 This was the way in which some Communists reacted to the advent of Nazism in 1933 .
20 Interestingly enough , as many writers have pointed out , this process led to the positing of numerous agencies with high-sounding names purporting to do exactly what the older and rejected vocabulary of pre-behaviourist mentalism had attempted to do .
21 The first set of changes in this period led to the Sexual Offences Amendment Act in 1976 ; the second led to Home Office guidelines on revised police procedures in 1983 ( and later 1986 ) .
22 This shift led to the return in 1892 of Keir Hardie as the first independent labour MP , and in 1898 of the first labour council in British electoral history .
23 From Mongolia , at last they entered China , and after a few days came to the Great Wall , another of the earth 's wonders .
24 He may have asked for Norman help against his enemies in 1009 , and a continental source records that he at some point appealed to the French monarch Robert the Pious for assistance , conceivably in the hope that he could exert pressure on the Normans .
25 The enthusiasm generated by this investigation led to the formation of the Association for Promoting the Extension of the Contagious Diseases Acts to the Civilian Population .
26 Instead , this constituency turned to the populism of Labour .
27 Some glasses crashed to the floor .
28 An administrative fee of £3 is payable by the person lodging the appeal , and a further £3 is payable for each half day devoted to the appeal hearing .
29 a transcription you remember last year , we had about one week on phonetics , and John , some people came to the John talk , where we did n't really talk about phonetics script there .
30 A leak of plutonium at the plant earlier this month led to the incident being raised in the House of Commons .
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