Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [adj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Another mile revealed a track going up to the plateau and a sign pointing straight ahead to ‘ Hamouda ’ — a village which was not on any of the maps .
2 Irvine 's Society of Archers was in existence as late as the 1850s but for some reason unknown the papingo shoot appears to have ended as early as 1721 .
3 Space efficiency — Is the space used to represent objects of this ADT critical the program 's overall space requirements ?
4 What did Walter de la Mare say — look your last on all things lovely every hour ?
5 Mick is convinced that if there had been more staff available the attack might never have happened .
6 That will muddy the water . ’
7 erm How does one in any case fine a motorist who is n't standing by his car or sitting in it ? erm I would , if the question is shall we try it , if that is implied , I would say it 's worth trying in a very moderate way , it may require the police and the police representatives so to speak , the wardens if they 're going to be empowered to do this kind of thing , I think it 's going to force them to become very , very diplomatic and civilized in the way they handle it , but we of course too will have to learn to respond in a civilized manner .
8 Two console tables and two encoigneurs in the same taste complete the furniture , with the exception of the carpet , which is Axminster , of suitable design , and the rich tones of which contrast advantageously with the delicate effect of the other furniture : in the centre of the design are the Royal Arms .
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