Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [prep] [Wh det] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 You see , my dear , we had a little difficulty over which should adorn the top of the tree , the star of Bethlehem which is of course the only proper thing as well as being the only thing countenanced by the Rector , or an immensely glittering and unsuitable fairy doll someone was so ill-judged as to give to Helen .
2 It is seldom practised with roses now — there is so little advantage over what can be achieved by budding — and is really of superfluous interest to be included here .
3 At this point , planning provided little guidance to what would follow ; the difficulties of extemporizing new manoeuvres were enormous and helped to reinforce the prevailing view that the overriding aim must be an early victory obtained essentially by good initial deployment .
4 I 've put , put this heater on which might give us a little bit of , a little bit of warmth
5 Once you have some ideas of what would suit you , you will need help to take these ideas forward .
6 It was during this period of what used to be called the Dark Ages that the ethnic map of Europe began to assume a character which in the main survives today .
7 This distinction between what would happen and what might happen is crucial for what follows .
8 The Labour party had an unsurprising and intuitive dislike of the Public School , but very few ideas about what might be done .
9 Does n't listen to a word I say , like , the women 's no good cos I told some things about which would really made yet more of his hair fall of the top of his bald head , I said I said look , a working women needs a working man to help support herself and her children , I said , er no , nobody is going to be able these days , a woman not going to be able to support herself on twenty hours a week , which is what Karen does , putting out bread in the Asda .
10 But this revolution in what must be Britain 's most valued public industry , is taking place in the market place .
11 Some pattern of what might be done needed to be worked out , and after a great deal of discussion and searching for funds , we transferred one of the men 's teacher training classes from Kemmendine to a Delta village .
12 Within this area of what could be called ‘ pure phonology ’ , problems are examined with little or no reference to their relevance to the language learner .
13 Without some amount of what can be called ‘ relationship skill ’ we will commit many ‘ well-meaning blunders ’ which can cause a lot of hurt .
14 As to what steps may be effective to prevent a holding out , there may be some discrepancy between what will suffice for the Law Society to exempt a salaried partner from compliance with the professional rules already referred to and what the Court might regard as appropriate in proceedings brought by a creditor of the firm .
15 Mr Lamont has already given some clues about what will replace his former failed policy , but only when we hear Thursday 's statement will we know exactly what he intends to do .
16 During the second year of life children start to develop some understanding of what will upset and annoy a sibling .
17 Some examples of what could be set up :
18 After his long , slow climb Stoneley had found himself to be a novice at office in-fighting , some examples of which could make the brutal intentions of a common criminal seem almost harmless .
19 Nottingham University lecturer Tony Thompson , a member of the inquiry team , said yesterday : ‘ Staff were subject to some manipulation by what can only be described as evil people .
20 On the technical side , the outcome may well be some way from what would be expected of perfect contestability , even if the assumptions approximate to the conditions I have outlined .
21 Meanwhile , potential creators of university-related science institutions in the UK could do worse than read Koppes 's book for some idea of what might await them .
22 As Webster goes on to point out , when study of the cuneiform records revealed that the Babylonian shabbatum ( full-moon day ) also fell on the fourteenth ( or fifteenth ) day of the month , we were presented with another survival of what must have been the primary meaning of the Hebrew term shabbath .
23 The apostle Paul , while encouraging the Corinthians earnestly to desire spiritual gifts , especially that they might prophesy , has another conviction about what will build up the church , namely , the preaching and teaching of scripture .
24 They were the North Riding Authority , er the East Riding Authority , the West Riding Authority , all of which converged on the on the city of York , and as you read through the files , er you will see that even then the D O E were trying to get erm those er those predecessor authorities in the late fifties , early sixties er to come to some view about what ought to be better for Greater York , so for many years the idea of Greater York ha has been current er in one guise or another .
25 Both of these problems depend on some clarification of what can be legitimately called censorship , and the question of what is censorship will be examined later .
26 ‘ Do n't they teach you anything at that school ? ’ inquired Brian , not without some satisfaction at what must be the child 's discomfiture .
27 Now in terms of whether it should be five thousand plus , that of course is a matter of whether there is demand , now my my conclusion , from my fairly extensive knowledge of Greater York , is that you just could not fit a new settlement that size satisfactorily into the settlement and landscape pattern of Greater York , or its immediate surrounds , I just can not identify a location where that could be where where the roads , the public transport , the landscape , or indeed the agricultural land quality , from now onto five an area , suitably large for that type of what would be a a new town .
28 A penny novelette plot you might think , but Susan Hill deals with the themes of love and jealousy with such delicacy and such understanding of what might happen but never does that this , her first novel for 16 years , is equal to her best .
29 Her sensitivity at all times to what will run in Cabinet is genuine , even though she always lets colleagues know what she wants at the outset of any discussion .
30 At the same time , all forms of what would usually be considered popular music can in principle be disseminated by face-to-face methods ( for instance , in concerts ) rather than the mass media , and can be made available free , or even structured as collective participation , rather than sold as a commodity ; it is hard to believe that a few friends , jamming on ‘ Born in the USA ’ at a party , are not producing ‘ popular music ’ .
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