Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [conj] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A useful approach , is to be found in Dawson and Stevens , Family Proceedings Court ( 1991 ) which I commend to practitioners in this field and to justices and their clerks .
2 No figures are available to compare to those in this study as to people 's perception of the causes of urinary incontinence .
3 ‘ the Republic of Somalia by their counsel … to give notice of this order to all the existing and intended parties to this action and to Messrs. More Fisher Brown the former representatives of Madame Fatuma-Isaak Bihi .
4 The interpretation of building details is a specialised aspect of studying the landscape , but careful recording by drawings or photographs may enable experts to give some guidance as to date or former use .
5 Parsons recognizes that in Western industrial society ‘ There will be certain tendencies to arrogance on the part of some winners and to resentment and to a ‘ sour grapes ’ attitude on the part of some losers ' .
6 His own contribution to this work and to surgery in general was later recognised in 1987 by the award of the Lister Medal .
7 The solipsist , that is to say , can not get the practice started in the way in which he pretends , by concentrating on the nature of the original sensation and inventing a word to refer to this sensation and to others like it .
8 Although Mannaia were the largest single group of committee members , most of them ( about two thirds ) were from Tazarbu and from lineages not associated with the struggle.s Moreover , the more important policy and spending chairmanships went mostly to people from this group or to Jlulat .
9 This does not apply , however , to money ordered to be paid into court , to payments from debtors under warrants , attachment of earnings orders , administration orders and a small number of minor provisions , to some orders as to enforcement , nor where any party is under disability ; in those cases where the court will be taking payments , all other payments will be made direct from debtor to creditor .
10 Less publicity has been given to this gas than to carbon dioxide .
11 He 'd tried , in a roundabout fashion , on the telephone to get some information as to Harriet 's means of support , pointing out that there might be others who should be informed of the tragic event .
12 Indeed , Alderson ( 1988 ) observes that age-specific mortality rates for breast cancer have remained essentially static this century and to date there is little evidence that early detection and treatment of this disease is having much effect .
13 There was some discussion as to hardship , but that could cut both ways according to whether a large or small part was surrendered , so that hardship was not a matter which could be taken into account .
14 Sarah seemed to be closer to Maureen at this time than to Anne , as she and Maureen could speak freely to each other about the love they had to conceal from others .
15 They have not been for some time except to people who still remember The Beatles and The Animals .
16 ( 7 ) Where an instrument under seal that constitutes a deed is required for the purposes of an Act passed before this section comes into force , this section shall have effect as to signing , sealing or delivery of an instrument by an individual in place of any provision of that Act as to signing , sealing or delivery .
17 ( 4 ) Where a lessor is proceeding by action or otherwise to enforce a right of re-entry or forfeiture under any covenant , proviso , or stipulation in a lease , or for non-payment of rent , the court may , on application by any person claiming as an under-lessee any estate or interest in the property comprised in the lease or any part thereof , either in the lessor 's action ( if any ) or in any action brought by such person for that purpose , make an order vesting , for the whole term of the lease or any less term , the property comprised in the lease , or any part thereof in any person entitled as under-lessee to any estate or interest in such property upon such conditions as to execution of any deed or other document , payment of rent , costs , expenses , damages , compensation , giving security , or otherwise , as the court in the circumstances of each case may think fit , but in no case shall any such under-lessee be entitled to require a lease to be granted to him for any longer term than he had his original sub-lease .
18 Nor did Yeremi have much option but to gas Tundrish in turn .
19 ( s ) To support and subscribe to any charitable or public object and to support and subscribe to any institution , society , or club which may be for the benefit of the Company or its Directors or employees , or may be connected with any town or place where the Company carried on business ; to give or award pensions , annuities , gratuities , and superannuation or other allowances or benefits or charitable aid and generally to provide advantages , facilities and services for any persons who are or have been Directors of , or who are or have been employed by , or who are serving or have served the Company , or any company which is a subsidiary of the Company or the holding company of the Company or a fellow subsidiary of the Company or the predecessors in business of the Company or of any such subsidiary , holding or fellow subsidiary company and to the wives , widows , children and other relatives and dependants of such persons ; to make payments towards insurance ; and to set up , establish , support and maintain superannuation and other fund or schemes ( whether contributory or non-contributory ) for the benefit of any such persons and of their wives , widows , children and their relatives and dependants ; and to set up , establish , support and maintain profit sharing schemes for the benefit of any of the employees of the Company or share purchase schemes for the benefit of any of the solicitor or registered foreign lawyer employees of the Company and to lend money to any such employees or to trustees on their behalf to enable any such purchase schemes to be established or maintained .
20 ( s ) To support and subscribe to any charitable or public object and to support and subscribe to any institution , society , or club which may be for the benefit of the Company or its Directors or employees , or may be connected with any town or place where the Company carried on business ; to give or award pensions , annuities , gratuities , and superannuation or other allowances or benefits or charitable aid and generally to provide advantages , facilities and services for any persons who are or have been Directors of , or who are or have been employed by , or who are serving or have served the Company , or any company which is a subsidiary of the Company or the holding company of the Company or a fellow subsidiary of the Company or the predecessors in business of the Company or of any such subsidiary , holding or fellow subsidiary company and to the wives , widows , children and other relatives and dependants of such persons ; to make payments towards insurance ; and to set up , establish , support and maintain superannuation and other fund or schemes ( whether contributory or non-contributory ) for the benefit of any such persons and of their wives , widows , children and their relatives and dependants ; and to set up , establish , support and maintain profit sharing schemes for the benefit of any of the employees of the Company or share purchase schemes for the benefit of any of the solicitor or registered foreign lawyer employees of the Company and to lend money to any such employees or to trustees on their behalf to enable any such purchase schemes to be established or maintained .
21 Then if there is a stipulation as to the time by which the buyer must make his nomination , that stipulation as to time relates to delivery and will be ‘ of the essence , ’ Bunge Corporation v. Tradax ( 1981 H.L. ) .
22 One who deviates so manifestly from these rules as to drive recklessly ought to realize — because the driving test requires a driver to realize — that there is a considerable risk of an accident .
23 If certain criticisms have cropped up consistently , you must decide either to correct these problems or to soldier on in defiance of market opinion .
24 In 1957 Jean Floud , A. H. Halsey , and F. M. Martin in their Social Class and Educational Opportunity gave a new impetus both to the study of these themes and to action upon them .
25 Moreover , what we can know , such as our duties and obligations to each other and to God , is just what we need to know ; and in many other cases we have beliefs sufficiently well-founded for the purposes of our everyday life .
26 They knelt facing each other and to George , Elizabeth looked no older than her sister , Sarah .
27 Obviously , if the contract goods are unascertained , an attempt to exclude all undertakings as to description would destroy the certainty of subject matter in the contract .
28 The 1991 agreement remained subject to the finalization of many details and to approval by a referendum within Nunavut scheduled for March 16 , 1992 .
29 This was extended in 1980 , 1981 and 1982 to all gifts and to distributions out of settlements .
30 Thus , Stair , II i. 5 : ‘ The vast ocean is common to all mankind as to navigation and fishing , which are the only uses thereof , because it is not capable of bounds ; but when the sea is inclosed in bays , creeks , or otherwise is capable of any bounds or meiths as within the points of such lands , or within the view of such shores , then it may become proper , but with the reservation of passage for commerce as in the land . ’
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