Example sentences of "[vb pp] over [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Two of us in a great mass of strangers , and various things to do that you 've got to get right , like follow signs and collect your luggage ; then you get looked over by the customs , and no-one particularly cares who you are or what you 're doing there so the two of you have to keep one another cheerful …
2 Further , some at least of the influential individuals in a community may operate outside the field of industrial relations : drawing on the work of Blauner ( 1960 ) , Bulmer suggests that the strong occupational communities characteristic of mining settlements occur because the social relations forged in the workplace are carried over into the arenas of non-work activity , creating overlapping primary group affiliations in which
3 Any tasks not completed by the due date on the ‘ to do list ’ can be automatically carried over to the reminders list , a facility I found to be very useful .
4 Any tasks not completed by the due date on the ‘ to do list ’ can be automatically carried over to the reminders list , a facility I found to be very useful .
5 If the assault proved successful , Egypt would no longer be vulnerable to attack ( the Turks had already sent a force to attempt to seize the Suez Canal ) and Turkey 's traditional enemies in the Balkans might be won over to the Allies .
6 Then , her arms under his and locked on his chest , she 'd drag my father 's dead weight from wherever he 'd fallen over to the cushions .
7 And if the base of the wall could not be penetrated , movable towers were built which could be wheeled up to attack the wall from without ; in the longer sieges , such as that of Antioch during the First Crusade , fixed towers were erected over against the walls to harry the defenders and enable a watch to be kept on them .
8 So much of the station was given over to the passengers , who by 1863 numbered 2.1 million annually , that a special parcels depot was built next to the station proper in 1889 .
9 It was considered that the larger Devon found in Somerset formed a link to the big , powerful ploughing oxen of Sussex which , even in the mid-nineteenth century , were regarded also as valuable beef makers , worked only for three or four years before being turned over to the fatteners .
10 CAO expressed disappointment that we did not seem to agree with him on this point but added that he was faced with a grave administrative problem with hundreds of thousands of German PoWs on his hands and could not bother at this time about who might or might not be turned over to the Russians and Partisans to be shot .
11 The first agrarian reform in the region took place in Mexico after the revolution and went through its most radical phase in the 1930s , when much good land was turned over to the ejidos , the public sector .
12 If his estimate was wrong , batting was turned over to the rivals .
13 An E minor when it should have been an E major brings the rehearsal to yet another halt while the suspect note is cordially argued over by the boys in the band .
14 The documents were handed over on the grounds that this could be compelled under section 2(2) of the Criminal Justice Act 1987 .
15 Raiders like the Savannah , most feared of the Southern privateers , were secretly handed over to the Confederates in the Azores , by a merchant class who had helped finance and develop the southern plantations and economy .
16 His place of birth , Montona near Trieste , was one day just handed over to the Communists and became a part of Yugoslavia .
17 In Brewster ( 1979 ) 69 Cr App R 375 ( CA ) , an insurance agent was guilty of theft of the premiums because the money had to be handed over to the companies he worked for under the terms of his contract .
18 In evidence earlier this week Lord Aldington , 75 , formerly Brigadier Toby Lowe , who was chief of staff to General Sir Charles Keightley , commander of the British Army 's V Corps in Allied occupied Austria , said he had not known until 1979 what had happened happened to the Yugoslavs when they were handed over to the forces of Marshall Tito .
19 The State Department thus confirmed Macmillan 's recommendation that the Cossacks in 5 Corps area should be handed over to the Soviets in accordance with the Yalta agreement .
20 From there they were handed over to the Americans , who suspected them of being spies and treated them accordingly .
21 " CAO expressed disappointment that we did not seem to agree with him on this point , but added that he was faced with a grave administrative problem with hundreds of thousands of German PoWs on his hands and could not bother at this time about who might or who might not be handed over to the Russians or Partisans to be shot . "
22 Writing to a colleague at Caserta , he mentioned that he had been presented with some tricky problems concerning the status of individual British subjects in Austria , and he then went on to mention , among " similar problems " he had been confronted with : " if captured Cossacks fighting with the Germans are to be handed over to the Russians , what should be done with White Russians with French nationality ?
23 In another statement , Maj J Laugham DSO of 45 Recce Regiment described how : " On 15 May the main body of the Croats to be handed over to the YUGOSLAVS were encamped to the south of the main road leading from the AUSTRIAN frontier to BLEIBURG …
24 In Roslavl' during March and April it was frequently noted that the public believed that ecclesiastical gold was to be handed over to the Jews .
25 It must be handed over to the embalmers then , or it will be too late . ’
26 Magwitch 's thick wallet was handed over to the police , and Wemmick was quite annoyed with me about it .
27 He said at Dumfries Sheriff Court that he and his friend had gone to the upstairs lavatory in the dormitory building about half-an-hour after going to bed when they had been called over to the girls ' room .
28 The roads are bumpy and uncertain and when they do get on a half decent stretch , they get pulled over by the police : they 're not supposed to be on it .
29 An alternative explanation is that the figure indicates the existence of an important fertility bull cult at Stamford which was brought over by the Myceneans .
30 Hastings converted beautifully from the right touchline and added the points when replacement loose forward Richard Webster was powerfully driven over between the posts in the final minute .
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