Example sentences of "[vb pp] to have [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For example , brothers and sisters who differ in age share genes to the same extent as dizygotic twins , and so in a purely genetic disease would be expected to have the same concordance rates — but they do not .
2 For instance , sibling nodes ( nodes which have some hierarchical relation to the same node ) might be expected to have the same pattern of ‘ target node names ’ .
3 An old and enduring model of sexual difference , developed most powerfully and resiliently by Galen in the second century AD , had stressed the homologous nature of male and female reproductive organs ; women were said to have the same genitals as men , only inside rather than outside .
4 It may be that the target reader of the German translation is not envisaged to have the same familiarity with or interest in the ceramics industry as the prospective readers of the English version .
5 Former athletes who took no further exercise were found to have the same risk factor for a heart attack as those who had never been active .
6 If this were true , then men and women who are married to each other could be assumed to have the same standard of living .
7 Of course there is , there is the possibility , there is definitely going to be a reorganization , we sha n't have the same sort of input I do n't think , we sha n't be allowed to have the same sort of input in a totally undemocratic er , er , authority that 's going to be there where the , the governments will er , put er , most of the people on board , where the Home Secretary will decide on the Chairman , er , we do n't know what the government regulations are going to say about balances in terms for the new authority .
8 It is well established that objects are perceived to have the same colour despite quite extensive variations in the colour of the light with which they are illuminated and hence the wavelength of the light they reflect back to the retina .
9 At the £500 certain income level , they are constructed to have the same slope ( and the same slope as has the curve labelled C , which would be appropriate for a risk-neutral person ) .
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