Example sentences of "[vb pp] her [adv prt] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 Their mutual interest had transcended the age difference , and he had invited her back to his island home on Grand Cayman .
2 He caught her by the waist , in a half rugby tackle , lifted her up , spun her around and in one fell swoop had hoisted her on to his shoulders even before she realised what was happening .
3 Had he marked her out as his prey ?
4 She had not seen Luke since he had escorted her out of his hotel suite and seen her into a taxi on the night of the awards ceremony , more than a week previously .
5 She pushed Steve away after he had swung her around in his arms like a rag doll .
6 Her son has taken her up in his hang-glider ( can you carry two on a hang-glider ? ) , and she recalls her life and loves as she sails over the old family farm and the nearby manganese factory where it all happened .
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