Example sentences of "[vb pp] them in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These might be wild animals who possessed particular strengths and had little contact with man , like a lion , jackal , hawk and crocodile , or might be animals whose usefulness placed them in a special relationship with man , like the crow , ram and cat .
2 Shuffling all those bodies about to get it all nice and tidy , I think would not only be an enormous exercise , it would be a waste of time , because people do n't stay fixed in aspic once you 've placed them in the right place ; they change , they progress , they regress or whatever .
3 No such fears limited them in the 1880s and 1890s .
4 However , for the third time this season , Wantage could not hold on to a lead given them in the last five minutes , and allowed Andy Martin to shoot home for the equaliser for Bicester .
5 ‘ Two men … someone must have let them in the front door … they took Jacqui … ’
6 The Germans occupied them in the second world war , the Americans rebuilt them afterwards , and then the north-west Europeans came back in the shape of the European Community and its powerful money .
7 ‘ It 's funny , ’ says Brian , ‘ they 're both so like my own kids that we often say the stork must have dropped them in the wrong homes the first time around .
8 Perhaps they had been loaded on the train many hours before Holly , because they seemed to him to be sleeping when he had first seen them in the darkened carriage .
9 Certainly , these designs were employed for a period of at least forty years , and their designers might not always have seen them in the same light .
10 For Liverpool , this season 's troubles have seen them in an unfamiliar battle to avoid being sucked into the relegation fight but Souness admitted : ‘ It was a good game for us to win .
11 Yes , they will go , but the government should do two things , and it should have done them in the White Paper announcement ; it should have said ‘ we are proposing to get rid of all advantages for company cars in tax terms and we are proposing to make sure that people pay by paying more road tax or more petrol costs if they have high gas-guzzling cars ’ .
12 They had bought them in the local sex shop in the hope of saving the money they would normally spend on E. So what were they like ?
13 On page 110 we 've used them in a wonderful vegetarian Christmas pie , and on page 77 freshly cooked cranberries have been combined with a shop-bought cranberry sauce as a chunky topping for apples to serve with goose .
14 Admiral Sir Clowdisley Shovell [ q.v. ] may also have used them in the Mediterranean .
15 Now you can see Body Shop 's here , I 've got them in a nice box now .
16 if it is not clear how the words were in fact understood , the question is how a reasonable listener would have interpreted them in the particular context .
17 I should have thought they might have had them in a separate house really but I suppose there wo n't be enough of them to begin with
18 He was still shuffling videos on the shelves as if having suddenly noticed that someone — herself , probably — had replaced them in the wrong order .
19 It is ironic that reforms intended to increase efficiency by introducing market disciplines should have undermined them in the one sector in which they already existed .
20 This section of the book is designed to help you come to terms with your deepest emotions and the people or events which may have caused them in the first place .
21 And it came to him , with a cold steely horror chilling the bloodstream as if from a lethal injection — he had left them in the stolen mini .
22 But Blakelock had the best opportunity to do that , and he would n't need to have taken them in the first place .
23 ‘ We 've totally removed them in a single market , but there are still elements of harmonisation to be completed .
24 Their defeat of Grange ‘ D ’ has put them in an unassailable position and they will return to division two after a season 's absence .
25 I 'd spotted them in a second-hand shop and immediately began saving feverishly to make them mine before anyone else got their hands on them .
26 Such mothers may have created an oral-maternal fixation in their children by their early and traumatic weaning of them , but would also have maintained them in a passive and otherwise dependent state , not because of their passive maternal solicitude , but because of their aggressive , assertive masculinity which caused them to dominate their children rather as a father might .
27 If people want to better themselves , they are entitled to enjoy this sort of instruction : it should not be denied them in a civilised society .
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