Example sentences of "[vb pp] out [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Jilly Jonathan was sitting just as she had been ever since they had come out on to the terrace .
2 Then , not even glancing at the room beyond , or at a woman who had come out on to the stairs , she led him away to a small room of perfect luxury at the back of the house , which was clearly her own .
3 In the less than half light Owen saw that Georgiades had come out on to the gallery .
4 More and more of us are letting the conservatory fill up with pots , urns and tubs in winter , keeping the plants safe from the cold until May , when they can be rolled out on to the terrace , wheeled on to the patio or carried to the paved squares on the lawn where they will put on a show all summer long .
5 Animals in all stages of misery are turned out on to the streets , left in remote areas , even just left behind after the family holiday .
6 Denholm , who had moved out on to the starboard wing , returned , lowering his binoculars .
7 These are the things that we have both missed out on over the last few years , both of us working at all times . ’
8 Free time now means catching up with the things they have missed out on in the past : novels by Michael Moorcock and Toni Morrison , the new Australian cinema , opera cassettes borrowed from the public library , gardening and fishing , weekend trips to the landscapes of their respective childhoods .
9 Reporter asks : What have you missed out on in the last forty years ?
10 She 'd spotted him for the first time three weekends ago when she 'd walked out on to the nightclub stage to perform her warm-up spot for the star turn of the evening .
11 ‘ We will bring all hospitals that have opted out back into the NHS because we want hospitals that are accountable to local people and provide services that local people want , not run like businesses . ’
12 a car behind me , the car behind that just pulled out on to the wrong side of the road , sat there looking and decided not to and pulled back
13 Then she started going on about her new red tap-shoes , and how the music nun wanted to teach her violin because she had such good pitch , and we all joined up in a long line , each with a hand stretched out on to the should of the one in front , and we began to march round her , chanting very softly , " How green you are , how green you are , how green you are , how green … " and then louder and louder as we danced away from her still in our long Indian file , till we got right to the top of our street where we played another game altogether , totally ignoring the yells of fury from the lamp-post , and when our mums called us in to tea we all ran in and forgot about her .
14 The main road was blocked for twenty-five minutes whilst the three-quarter-ton monster was winched out on to the tracks , and cars soon began diverting themselves through the portals of the nearby Methodist Church .
15 The two men had smiled and laughed and let themselves be led out on to the lake .
16 Some weeks beforehand , I think perhaps when we were in Japan , I had read an article that Carl had written in which he said that in the Zurich race in August , when he had trounced Ben , he had not deliberately tried to race anybody but had gone out on to the track to run his own race , do his own thing .
17 ‘ I keep thinking she might have gone out on to the balcony instead . ’
18 She drove as fast as she dared past the Jardin Anglais and at last swung out on to the Quai Gustav Ador .
19 There was still a handful of people down there , identifiable only for brief seconds as they flitted through the pools of light thrown out on to the pavement from cafés and shops .
20 As I drove further down the road there were computers thrown out on to the pavement and whole window frames completely blown out into the street .
21 The notion that patients are being thrown out on to the street is not borne out , ’ he said .
22 That , given the potential for trouble when hundreds of disgruntled drinkers are thrown out on to the street at the same time , was surely the prudent tactic .
23 When these weapons are taken out on to the streets , it can lead to a change in the spiritual climate , of which more later .
24 It is no longer our intention to provide this cover automatically as an air compressor would be deemed as Own Surrounding Property and therefore would only be covered for explosion risks if this endorsement was taken out along with the basic cover on the air receiver .
25 One Fascist who had climbed out on to the ledge prudently withdrew , and the windows were closed .
26 If I had so wished , I could have climbed out on to the wing and with the use of a telephoto got an unusual shot of the unique S-shaped ground with its mock-Wembley turrets in terracotta .
27 When I went to find her , however , I discovered she had gone right to the top of the house to talk to Heathcliff through his locked bedroom door , and had then climbed out on to the roof and in through his window .
28 Easter Day 1945 found him in the darkness of a cattle truck in a German railway tunnel ; there was a true resurrection moment when prisoners were allowed out in to the sunshine and flowers of the railway cutting .
29 I can understand why John was overexcited by New York , where , at night , life and all its colour and reflection is folded out on to the street , and not shut in and huddled , behind the glow of windows .
30 Guido had switched on the engine , and now , with a soft purr , the car headed out on to the road .
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