Example sentences of "[vb pp] up [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 Britishers , de Kruif told Lewis , did not get their science and their dollars mixed up to the same extent as Americans .
2 ‘ But to suggest that coincidentally this recording , made just a fortnight earlier , was also picked up in the same way does stretch one 's credibility . ’
3 And she could have sworn that , after the first second or two , he had been caught up by the same strong feeling .
4 It is bad enough having the sufferer saying one thing but really meaning another without the counsellor getting caught up in the same macabre " game " .
5 They had grown up in the same house since they were babies and were virtually inseparable .
6 Fei was not a native of the community that he studied ( the village of Kaihsienkung , in the Yangtze Delta , about 1 25 miles south-west of Shanghai ) , but he had grown up in the same district so that he was familiar with the nuances of the local dialect .
7 The corporate plan is therefore built up along the same lines as the organisational hierarchy .
8 Larger units of measurements in the metric system , are built up in the same way as the number system , based again on tens and tenths .
9 For their tickets , and I said at the area council if they had turned up like they turned up to pay them thirty pound and eight pound , if they 'd turned up at the same time with a petition form what a difference it would
10 A square vessel and parts of other domestic articles of wood were found about eight feet down in a peat moss at Strathmore , near Gruinart , and bones of a fifteen years old girl and a cow horn were turned up by the same peat diggers .
11 ‘ It was an obvious choice , partly because of all the business they were doing in Europe and also because the public was fed up with the same old faces ; here was someone fresh at last , ’ recalls Peter Batty , director of the him .
12 Later paradigms saw the entire universe as being made up of the same kinds of material substances .
13 They are all made up of the same shapes-triangles , squares and rectangles .
14 We have suffered from the same thing as the other two er Abalance have said today of money being used from our surplus to provide for redundancy and erm i it 's been exacerbated by money being available from the people who are made , made redundant , going to the company and swelling their balance sheets , while all the cost side of it comes out of the pension fund and that has caused a lot of ill-feeling particularly from the older pensioners who have seen years of inflation when their pensions were not made up to the same extent .
15 We have suffered from the same thing as the other two er Abalance have said today of money being used from our surplus to provide for redundancy and erm it 's been exacerbated by money being available from the people who were made , made redundant going to the company and swelling their balance sheets while all the cost side of it comes out of the pension fund and that has caused a lot of ill-feeling particularly from the older pensioners who have seen years of inflation , when their pensions were not made up to the same extent .
16 A cartridge pleat heading is made up in the same way as pinch pleats ( page 22 ) , but the bases of the small tubes ( pleats ) are not pinched up but left rounded by filling with a soft stuffing such as wadding .
17 The former is a collection of the more interesting statistics published by the state , and the latter is made up from the same sources , but is presented in a more varied and readable form , including charts and diagrams .
18 All counting numbers , or " natural " numbers are made up from the same group of symbols or figures : 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 .
19 The directors added that they had done so because ‘ this is the basis adopted in the accounts of the overseas subsidiaries ’ , and that the group accounts should be drawn up on the same basis in order to show a true and fair view .
20 And secondly , and very much wrapped up in the same point with this , they 're also coy about the sort of people they 're looking for .
21 But when she was over here , she sold up and her sister sold up at the same time .
22 This man and my father had joined up on the same day , they went to the same school , played football together , both courted my mother and both fell in love with her — and she ended up marrying them both .
23 With much wider powers than its predecessor , the Secondary Examinations Council ( SEC ) , SEAC is also heir to the recommendations of another of the Secretary of State 's ad hoc working parties , the Task Group on Assessment and Testing ( TGAT ) which was set up at the same time as the first curriculum working groups and , like them , worked under enormous pressure to produce proposals for the assessment of the National Curriculum .
24 Even , I 've never seen it all set up at the same time .
25 He said he had met Mounsey in prison and believed they were set up by the same gang of traffickers in Bangkok .
26 The problem is that although the typeface may have the same name — indeed it may even come from the same original — it may not have been coded up in the same way .
27 They were being brought up with the same affection the Sheikha gave her own daughter .
28 The next generation which is taking over the reins of industry is a generation who were not brought up in the same milieu that I was brought up in .
29 But even between children brought up in the same home with the same advantages , one with another , at 7 there are still huge differences .
30 Anyway , as you know , we were almost brought up in the same bassinet , and , as I made out to Mama just a short while ago , if Isobel had to choose between the horse and me , the horse would come out best . ’
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