Example sentences of "[vb pp] her [noun sg] on the " in BNC.

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1 In the present case there was a glaring absence of any reliable evidence as to exactly what happened on the occasion on which Mrs. Steed had placed her signature on the transfer .
2 No — each lady had personally placed her cake on the long table — without assistance .
3 Who was the girl who had slept in this bed , written her name on the wall , and then written her diary in the Bible , twenty-five years ago ?
4 Carol Eastman , meanwhile , had written her screenplay on the inspiration of a Jack London story , which was similar moody vein to Ride the Whirlwind and she called hers The Shooting .
5 She had turned her back on the lot of them , and married Frederick Bissett , from a terraced house in Leeds , bright boy of the street .
6 They had spent the entire evening chatting like old friends , while she had preserved her silence on the sidelines .
7 They were grappling , and she 'd got her hand on the woman 's windpipe , holding her off , squeezing .
8 Make it very clever , she 's got her woman on the front page boys .
9 Tatum , who has always followed her husband on the tennis circuit , last week stayed in New York while McEnroe took two of the children to Fort Worth , Texas , for the Davis Cup tournament .
10 That her novels are not better known is due largely to her extreme modesty about her literary abilities ; but there is no doubt that her concise , deceptively light prose style , reliance on dialogue to carry the plot , and delight in satirical exaggeration influenced both Firbank and Evelyn Waugh [ q.v. ] , and that she has thus left her mark on the development of the twentieth-century novel .
11 While she drank her lemonade and ate her biscuits she told the old lady about Brownies and how she had left her bike on the edge of the wood .
12 She had left her handbag on the chair .
13 If you live round the corner from Mary Whitehouse could you pop in and tell her that her phone is off the hook she has n't replaced the receiver and she she 's quite an elderly lady and I would would be terribly upset if if she had n't got her phone back cos she might need it for emergencies or something like that and I am a caring concerned person so could you could you pop round the corner to Mary 's house and tell her that she has n't put her phone on the hook off the hook properly could you do that ?
14 She had put her heart on the line , but it was worth it .
15 A mother who has put her daughter on the stage and made her into a teenage star is obviously aware that she is moulding something special .
16 Arabella Buckley had released her grip on the Finn 's long , ginger-suited arm .
17 On the few occasions when she had been compelled to enter the water , she had stayed in the very shallowest part of the pool and had never for a moment released her grip on the handrail .
18 She had bumped her arm on the little bedside cabinet .
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