Example sentences of "[vb pp] only with a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I went to the conference armed only with a general feeling of being pissed off that men seemed to have it all their own way .
2 Armed only with a nice , new PPL you walk cautiously into the dark , open space and there before you lies the treasure !
3 And now , to cap it all , poor Byford had to be the first army victim of the latest IRA tactic — Flying Columns-compact bands armed only with a few rifles and automatic pistols , moving soundlessly at night along country lanes on foot or on bicycles , and waiting behind roadside hedges — waiting for hours , days if necessary — for a patrol to come along .
4 He refused a professorship in Switzerland and went instead to Manchester , armed only with a few letters of introduction .
5 We are so sure of this that we go out confidently into the hills , or sail away in boats armed only with a magnetic compass , certain that it will always point in the same north-south direction , so we can judge our own direction of travel from it .
6 Diving down to a few hundred feet over Hal Far , Müncheberg then claimed another at 0754 as it was landing , but having no witness of this was credited only with a probable , although it was subsequently included in his score .
7 Other studies have shown similarly extensive local group activity but in Birmingham , only about one-third were politically active and most of these ( 63 per cent ) were involved only with a single issue .
8 The Tories have more or less run out of good ideas which inspired them in the early Thatcher years , and are left only with a few bad ones : the creation of new , ever more incompetent ‘ private ’ monopolies ; the vindictive pursuit of aged war criminals ; the idiotic struggle to knock a penny off income tax , which will benefit nobody , when so much more could be achieved with a little imagination — by abolishing all discriminatory rates , abolishing capital transfer tax and other taxes on savings , allowing domestic wages ( as all other forms of employment are allowed ) against personal taxation …
9 Capitalist society … can maintain a relative equilibrium only at the price of painful crises ; the adaptation of the various parts of the social organism to each other and to the whole can be achieved only with a colossal waste of energy .
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